[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.57]DURING dinner, Mr. Bennet scarcely spoke at all; but when the servants were withdrawn, he thought it time to have some conversation with his guest, 吃饭的时候,班纳特先生几乎一句话也没有说;可是等到佣人们走开以后,他就想道,现在可以跟这位客人谈谈了。 [00:08.17]and therefore started a subject in which he expected him to shine, by observing that he seemed very fortunate in his patroness. 他料想到,如果一开头就谈到咖苔琳夫人身上去,这位贵客一定会笑逐颜开的,于是他便拿这个话题做开场白, [00:14.59]Lady Catherine de Bourgh's attention to his wishes, and consideration for his comfort, appeared very remarkable. Mr. Bennet could not have chosen better. 说是柯林斯先生有了那样一个女施主,真是幸运极了,又说咖苔琳·德·包尔夫人对他这样言听计从,而且极其周到地照顾到他生活方面的安适,真是十分难得。 [00:23.43]Mr. Collins was eloquent in her praise. The subject elevated him to more than usual solemnity of manner, 班纳特先生这个话题选得再好也没有了。柯林斯先生果然滔滔不绝地赞美起那位夫人来。 [00:30.10]and with a most important aspect he protested that he had never in his life witnessed such behaviour in a person of rank -- such affability and condescension, 这个问题一谈开了头,他本来的那种严肃态度便显得更严肃了,他带着非常自负的神气说,他一辈子也没有看到过任何有身价地位的人, [00:41.02]as he had himself experienced from Lady Catherine. She had been graciously pleased to approve of both the discourses which he had already had the honour of preaching before her. 能够象咖苔琳夫人那样的有德行,那样的亲切谦和。他很荣幸,曾经当着她的面讲过两次道,多蒙夫人垂爱,对他那两次讲道赞美不绝。夫人曾经请他到罗新斯去吃过两次饭, [00:50.44]She had also asked him twice to dine at Rosings, and had sent for him only the Saturday before, to make up her pool of quadrille in the evening. 上星期六晚上还请他到她家里去打过“夸锥”。据他所知,多少人都认为咖苔琳夫人为人骄傲, [00:58.39]Lady Catherine was reckoned proud by many people he knew, but he had never seen any thing but affability in her. 可是他只觉得亲切。她平常跟他攀谈起来,总是把他当作一个有身份的人看待。 [01:04.39]She had always spoken to him as she would to any other gentleman; she made not the smallest objection to his joining in the society of the neighbourhood, 她丝毫不反对他和邻居们来往,也不反对他偶而离开教区一两个星期,去拜望拜望亲友们。 [01:12.36]nor to his leaving his parish occasionally for a week or two, to visit his relations. She had even condescended to advise him to marry as soon as he could, 多蒙她体恤下情, 曾经亲自劝他及早结婚,只要他能够谨慎选择对象。 [01:20.52]provided he chose with discretion; and had once paid him a visit in his humble parsonage; where she had perfectly approved all the alterations he had been making, 她还到他的寒舍去拜访过一次, 对于他住宅所有经过他整修过的地方都十分赞成, [01:29.31]and had even vouchsafed to suggest some herself, -- some shelves in the closets up stairs. 并且蒙她亲自赐予指示,叫他把楼上的璧橱添置几个架子。 [01:35.47]"That is all very proper and civil I am sure," said Mrs. Bennet, "and I dare say she is a very agreeable woman. 班纳特太太说:“我相信这一切都做得很得体,很有礼貌,我看她一定是个和颜悦色的女人。 [01:42.34]It is a pity that great ladies in general are not more like her. Does she live near you, sir?" 可惜一般贵夫人们都比不上她。她住的地方离你很近吗,先生?”