[by:¿É¿ÉÓ¢Óï¡«www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.42] Conversation 2 May I see your license, please? [00:10.50] But officer, did I do something wrong? [00:13.58] Do you mean to say you didn't see the speed limit sign back there? [00:18.06] Um, no, madam, I guess I didn't. [00:20.36] In other words, you drove by too fast to read it. [00:26.32] The sign says 35m/h. [00:27.49] A school is just nearby, you know? [00:33.23] Don't get me wrong, but my speedometer didn't read much faster than that. [00:39.05] Then, why is it that my radar showed you are going 45? [00:42.20] Let me put it another way. [00:46.51] I'm going to give you a ticket. [00:49.47] Again, may I see your license, please? [00:54.37] Here it is, officer. [00:56.18] But let me explain. [00:58.27] I was late for an important appointment and I was worried that I wouldn't make it on time. [01:04.29] So ... Uha, just a minute, here. [01:09.30] Your license is no longer valid. [01:12.53] You should have renewed it two weeks ago. [01:15.56] I'm going to have to write you up for that, too. [01:19.25] What? [01:20.02] Really? [01:20.56] Your license becomes invalid on your birthday and that was two weeks ago according to the date here. [01:28.59] You are in violation of the law driving without a valid license. [01:34.25] I'm sorry, madam. [01:35.38] I hadn't realized that. [01:37.42] Here's the ticket for not having a valid license. [01:41.12] But I'm only going to give you a warning about exceeding the speed limit. [01:46.44] Be careful next time. [01:48.44] Yes, madam, officer, I will. [01:50.57] Thank you. [??:??.??] Question22. [01:55.35] Where was the man stopped by the police officer? [??:??.??] Question23. [02:01.38] What did the man claim about the speed limit sign? [??:??.??] Question24. [02:10.37] What did the woman say about the man's driving license? [??:??.??] Question25. [02:20.10] What was the man's penalty?