[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.26]Dr. Bennett said I have to stay at home for a week. 班奈医生说我得整周待在家里 [00:03.78]Oh, that's nothing. Once, I had to stay in bed for three years. 那没什么,我曾卧床3年 [00:07.76]Did you have the chickenpox? - I wish. 你也得了水痘? -我真希望是 [00:30.70]Truth is, no one quite knew what was wrong. 没有人清楚这是怎么回事 [00:33.48]Most times a person grows up gradually while I found myself in a hurry. 大部分的人都是逐渐长大的…我却发现我长的超快 [00:42.12]My muscles and my bones couldn't keep up with my body's ambition. 我的肌肉和骨头跟不上我的野心 [00:46.27]So I spent the better part of three years confined to my bed 我花了3年时间待在床上… [00:50.06]with the encyclopedia being my only means of exploration. 只能探索百科全书的浩瀚学海 [00:53.23]I had made it all the way to the G's hoping to find an answer to my "gigantificationism" 我读到G开头的部份…希望能在关于金鱼的文章里… [00:59.13]when I uncovered an article about the common goldfish. 找到我巨大化的解答 [01:03.30]"Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. 养在小鱼缸里 金鱼就会一直维持他的大小… [01:07.30]With more space the fish will grow double, triple, or quadruple its size." 若有更多空间…金鱼就会数倍化的成长 [01:13.03]It occurred to me then that perhaps the reason for my growth 于是我想到我成长的原因… [01:16.19]was that I was intended for larger things. 就是我打算追求大世界 [01:19.09]After all, a giant man can't have an ordinary-sized life. 巨人无法是过一般生活的 [01:24.23]As soon as my bones had settled in their adult configuration I set upon my plan to make a bigger place for myself in Ashton. 一旦我的骨头成长固定后…我就着手 为自己开创更大的空间 [01:31.87]Tigers, go! Edward Bloom! 猛虎队,加油!爱德华布鲁! [02:33.51]Doggy! My doggy! My doggy's trapped! 我的狗,我的小狗在里面! [02:46.02]I was the biggest thing Ashton had ever seen. 而我成了艾许镇最大的大人物