[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.47]You know what? Let's take the Santa Rosa Road exit and hit Sanford first. Okay? 我们可以从圣塔罗莎的出口出去.先到桑福酿酒公司,好吗? [00:06.07]Sounds good to me. I need a drink. 听起来不错,我需要喝一杯 [00:08.52]These guys make top-notch pinot and chardonnay. One of the best producers in Santa Barbara County. 它们生产上等的 皮诺红酒和莎当妮白酒.是这个郡中最好的生产商之一 [00:13.28]I thought you hated chardonnay. - No, no, no. I like all varietals. 我以为你不喜欢莎当妮 - 不不不,我喜欢所有的变种 [00:17.12]I just don't generally like the way they manipulate chardonnay in California. 我不喜欢加州那种改变过的莎当妮 [00:20.40]Too much oak and secondary malolactic fermentation. - Huh. 太多的橡木味和第二道乳酸发酵 [00:25.17]You see, the reason that this region is so good for pinot... is that the cold air off the Pacific flows in at night... 你知道吗? 这个地区适合皮诺的原因是…太平洋的冷空气会在晚上吹进来 [00:32.19]and it just cools down the berries. Pinot's a very thin-skinned grape. It doesn't like constant heat or humidity. Very delicate. 把果实冷却下来.皮诺是一种果皮非常薄的葡萄.它不喜欢持续的热和潮湿 非常脆弱 [00:43.62]Let me show you how this is done. 我表演给你看该怎么品酒 [00:45.19]First thing... hold the glass up and examine the wine against the light. You're looking for color and clarity. 第一…举起杯子 检视酒的颜色和清澈度 [00:51.06]Just get a sense of it. Okay? - Okay. 只是感觉一下,好吗? -知道 [00:53.46]Thick? Thin? Watery? Syrupy? Okay? - Okay. 是浓还是淡,水水的 还是似蜜糖的.知道吗? -知道 [00:59.18]Now tip it. What you're doing here is checking for color density as it thins out towards the rim. 现在,让杯子倾斜.现在要做的是检视颜色的密度 [01:06.19]That's gonna tell you how old it is, among other things. It's usually more important with reds.Okay? - Okay. 越往边缘颜色越淡.这会告诉你这酒有几年了 通常对红酒比较重要. [01:11.69]Now stick your nose in it. - Yeah? 现在,把你的鼻子放进来 [01:14.37]Don't be shy. Really get your nose right in there. Really... 别害羞,真的把你的鼻子放进去 真的 [01:20.00]Mmm. A little citrus. Maybe some strawberry. Mmm. Passion fruit. Mmm. 有点柑橘味.也许有点草莓味.百香果 [01:28.50]And... Ah, there's just, like, the faintest... Soupcon of like, uh, asparagus and...like, a nutty Edam cheese. 有一种非常淡的,像是芦笋的味道.有那么点隐隐约约的。像。坚果伊顿奶酪 [01:44.34]Mmm! Strawberries. Yeah. - Good.Strawberries. Not the cheese. - All right. 草莓,对,是草莓 -很好.不是乳酪 [01:51.21]Put your glass down. Get some air into it. Oxygenating it opens it up. 放下杯子,让空气进入 [01:55.19]It unlocks the aromas, the flavors. Very important. Smell again. 氧化作用使它释放了香气和味道非常重要,再闻一次 [02:01.54]Ah. That's what you do with every one of'em. 每一杯都要这样做 [02:04.01]Wow. When do we drink it? - Now. 我们什么时候要喝? -现在 [02:15.09]How would you rate this one, Miles? 这杯你要如何评价?麦斯 [02:18.14]Well, usually they start you on wines with learning disabilities... but this one is pretty damn good. 通常他们会先给你喝一些 有学习障碍的葡萄酒.但是这杯还不错, [02:22.28]This is the new one. Right, Chris? - Just released two months ago. 这是新的,对吧? - 两个月前才发表的 [02:25.59]Nice job. - We like it. 做得不错 - 我们喜欢 [02:29.01]You could work in a wine store, Miles. 你可以去卖酒,麦斯 [02:31.33]Mmm. Yeah. That'd be a good move. 那真是个好主意 [02:35.00]Are you chewing gum? 你在嚼口香糖吗?