[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.66]So I nodded off a little. 我是打了一下瞌睡。 [00:03.65]Nodded off!! Ross you were snoring. My father’s boat didn’t make that much noise when it hit rocks! 打瞌睡?Ross,你还打呼噜,我爸爸的船撞上岩石的时候,都没有这么大声! [00:11.34]Come on! Forty-five minutes! Forty-five minutes the man talked about strappy backed dresses. 拜托,45分钟,那个人讲了45分钟的露背吊带裙。 [00:19.44] Well okay, how about four hours in a freezing museum auditorium listening to Professor Pitstains and he’s “Hey everybody! 好,那在冰冷的博物馆礼堂坐上四个小时听Pitstains教授说:“大家好, [00:27.71]Remember that thing that’s been dead for a gazillion years. Well there’s this little bone we didn’t know it had?!” 记得这东西是亿万年前死的吗? 我们过去不知道它有这块小骨头!” [00:36.98]First of all it’s Professor Pittain! And second of all, that little bone, proved that, that particular dinosaur had wings, but didn’t fly. 首先,那是Pittain教授,其次,那块小骨头证明了那只恐龙有翅膀,可是不会飞。 [00:47.82]Okay, see now, what I just heard: blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah, blah, blah. 好,你知道我听到的是什么吗?啦啦啦啦啦。 [00:55.18]You know what, 100 million people went to see a movie about what I do, I wonder how many people would go see a movie called, Jurassic Park. 一亿人跑去看一部以我的工作为主题的电影,我不知道有多少人会去看部叫侏罗纪公园的电影。 [01:04.96]Oh, that is so... 那实在是… [01:05.98]No-no-no, a bunch of out of control jackets take over an island. 一群抓狂的疯子控制整个小岛。