[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.99]I can't believe Mark didn't call. It's Sunday night, and he didn't call. 我不敢相信马克没有打电话来,现在是星期天晚上,他居然还没打电话来。 [00:05.78]Bummer. 真叫人失望 [00:08.09]Yeah, right. Look at you, you're practically giddy. 对,看看你,你实在太可笑了 [00:11.37]No, I'm genuinely sorry the Mark thing didn't work out. Look, Rach, I want only good things for you. 我真的很遗憾,马克没有帮到你。听我说,瑞秋,我也是一心为你好 [00:18.68]Wait a minute, why don't you just call Mark. I mean, who says you have to sit here and wait for him, you've got to make stuff happen. 等一下,为什么你不打电话给马克?谁规定你得在这里痴痴地等?你得主动出击 [00:27.96]But, you, you don't want to seem too pushy. 对,但也不能太过分 [00:30.22]Honey, it's not pushy, he gave her his home number. 不会的,他把家里电话给了她 [00:33.75]What, he gave you his home number? As in like, to, to his home? 什么?他把家里电话给你,打电话到他家吗? [00:38.03]Yeah, and you don't mind if I call, because you only want good things for me. 你不介意我打电话吧,既然你是一心为我好 [00:42.17]That's right good things, that-that is what I said. (glances at Monica) 我是这么说的 [00:48.56]Hello, Mark? Hi, it's Rachel Green. Oh no, don't you apologize.Yeah, I'll hold.He left my number at work, but he was helping his niece with her report on the pioneers. 马克?嗨,我是瑞秋格林,不,你千万别道歉。好,我等。他把电话留在办公室,他本来要去拿。不过他得帮他侄女做研究拓荒者的报告。 [01:07.07]That is so made up! 听就知道是编的 [01:09.86]Yeah, oh my God, tomorrow! That, no, it's perfect. Oh God, thank you soo much. Great! Bye! (hangs up phone) I got the interview! 我的天!明天吗?这…不,这太好了,老天,太感谢你了!太好了,再见。我可以去面试了 [01:19.99]There you go. 你看吧 [01:21.98]He even offered to meet me for lunch tomorrow to prep me for it. 他还要跟我吃午饭,帮我准备 [01:25.28]Oh, that is amazing! 太了不起了 [01:26.31]Yeah well, if I know Mark, and I think I do, I'd expect nothing less. 如果我了解马克,我想是的…他应该就是这种人 [01:32.86]I got to figure out what I'm going to wear. 我得想想明天要穿什么才好 [01:34.79]High collar and baggy pants say I'm a pro. 高领衫加蓬蓬裤才是专业人士的穿着 [01:38.86]Yeah! Right! Okay, I'll see you guys later. (starts to leave) Woo hoo! 是啊。好,回头见 [01:42.77]You go get 'em. (to Monica) What did I do to you? Did I hurt you in some way? 没问题。我对你做了什么?我伤害过你吗? [01:49.14]What? 什么? [01:49.57]'Why don't you call him?!' Well, thank you very much! Y'know now he is going to prep her, y'know prep her, as in what you do when you surgically remove the boyfriend! 你为什么不打电话给他?真是太谢谢你了,现在他要帮她准备面试,这就是开除男朋友的前兆。 [02:00.60]Are you crazy?! 你疯了不成? [02:01.54]Am I! Am I! Am I out of my mind! Am I losing my senses!! This dreamy guy is taking my girlfriend out for a meal. 有吗?我疯了吗?我失去理智了吗?那个大好人要跟我女朋友吃饭 [02:10.25]What?! Ross y'know this isn't even about you! I mean this is about Rachel and something wonderful happening for her. I mean you know even if you're right, what if he wants to sleep with her, does it mean he gets too? 罗斯,你根本不是重点。重点是瑞秋可以有好的前途。就算你说得对,他对她不怀好意,这表示他就能得逞吗? [02:20.62]No. 不会 [02:20.99]I mean don't you trust her? 可是…你不信任她吗? [02:24.18]Then get over yourself! Grow up! 不要自哀自怜了。别像个小孩子 [02:31.30]You grow up. 你才别像个小孩子