[00:00.00]BBC News with Julie Candler 朱莉·坎德勒为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:04.13]President Obama has warned Moscow not to encroach any further on Ukrainian sovereignty or it would face new sanctions. 奥巴马总统警告莫斯科不要进一步侵犯乌克兰主权,否则将面临新的制裁。 [00:11.37]Speaking in The Hague,Mr Obama said the United States and its European partners were prepared to put in place measures that would hurt entire sectors of the Russian economy. Here’s James Robbins. 奥巴马在海牙发表讲话,称美国及其欧洲盟友准备实施将有损整个俄罗斯经济的措施。詹姆斯·鲁本斯报道。 [00:21.82]President Obama said he was concerned about the large numbers of troops Russia had massed on its border with Ukraine. 奥巴马总统说大批俄罗斯部队已经驻扎在与乌克兰接壤处,他对此表示担忧。 [00:29.62]While it was Russia’s right to do so, he said, it appeared to be an effort at intimidation. 他说尽管俄罗斯有权利这么做,这显然是恐吓行为。 [00:35.10]Mr Obama said President Putin had a choice to make. 奥巴马说普京总统可以做别的选择, [00:38.25]Any further move beyond the annexation of Crimea would trigger far wider sanctions. 吞并克里米亚之外的任何进一步举动都将导致进一步的制裁。 [00:44.22]They would be aimed at directly at whole sectors of the Russian economy including energy, finance and trade, 这些措施将直接针对俄罗斯各个经济部门,包括能源、财政和贸易, [00:50.39]even if that meant America and her European allies would be hurt,too. 尽管这意味着美国及其欧洲盟国也会受到损害。 [00:55.25]Spain’s Constitutional Court has ruled that a planned referendum in November on Catalonia’s independence from the rest of the country is unconstitutional. 西班牙立宪法院判定原计划于11月份就加泰罗尼亚从本国独立的公投为不合宪。 [01:04.49]The court’s ruling came after Spain’s central government challenged a move by Catalonia’s regional parliament, 此前西班牙中央政府质疑加泰罗尼亚的地方议会, [01:10.30]which said the region enjoyed judicial and political sovereignty. Guy Hedgecoe is in Madrid. 该地方议会称该地区享有司法和政治主权。Guy Hedgecoe在马德里报道。 [01:15.70]Last year the nationalist majority in the Catalan parliament approved a declaration stating that the region’s people were politically and legally sovereign. 去年加泰罗尼亚议会民族主义多数派宣布该地区人民享有政治和法律上的主权, [01:25.22]It was a mainly symbolic move, but Spain’s Constitutional Court has now ruled that it is unlawful. 这个举动在很大程度上有象征意味,但西班牙立宪法院现在判定该声明非法。 [01:31.98]The decision is likely to heighten tensions between the region and the rest of Spain. 这一决定可能加剧加泰罗尼亚和西班牙其他地区的紧张局面。 [01:36.25]The court did also address the referendum, ruling that it is legitimate for Catalans to hold such a vote, 法院就公投做出判决,称加泰罗尼亚人进行此类投票是合法的, [01:43.16]as long as it takes place within the framework of the constitution. At the moment, that is not the case. 前提是在宪法框架内举行,而目前的情况显然不符合这一前提。 [01:49.69]The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said that three air force generals have been arrested for plotting an uprising against his government. 委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗称三名空军将军因阴谋发动反政府起义而被捕, [01:57.94]It’s the latest development in nearly two months of political unrest. More details from Leonardo Rocha: 这是近两个月的政治动乱中的最近态势。Leonardo Rocha报道。 [02:03.53]President Nicolas Maduro said that the three air force generals were arrested on Monday night after the authorities were tipped off by young patriotic officers. 总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗称这三名空军将军是周一晚上被捕的,此前当局得到了年轻爱国官员的密报。 [02:13.82]The three generals, who have not been named, were plotting a coup and had links with the opposition side Mr Maduro. 这三名将军没有被点名的将军阴谋发动政变,且与反对派有关联。 [02:20.71]It’s not clear if this is an isolated incident or if there is a more serious rift in the armed forces, 尚不清楚这是否是独立的事件,还是军队中还有其他更严重的分裂, [02:27.24]which have provided a valuable support for Venezuela’s left-wing governments for more than a decade. 这就在很大程度上助推了委内瑞拉历时10多年的左翼运动。 [02:32.97]The US Supreme Court has heard arguments in two cases that challenge President Obama’s healthcare reform, 美国最高法院听审了两起质疑奥巴马总统医改的案例, [02:40.31]which requires employers to provide health insurance covering all legal forms of birth control. 医改要求雇主提供覆盖全部合法避孕形式的医疗保险。 [02:45.38]The two cases were brought by Christian-led companies, which want to run their businesses on religious principles. 这两起案件是由基督教徒所有的公司发起的,这些公司希望能按照宗教原则运营公司。 [02:52.31]They argued that some contraceptive drugs and devices are tantamount to abortion. World News from the BBC 他们声称有的避孕药物和设备意味着堕胎。BBC世界新闻。 [02:60.00]Rescue workers in the north-western United States say they are expecting to find further victims of a landslide which devastated a village in Washington State on Saturday. 周六华盛顿州一个村庄发生泥石流,美国西北部的援救人员称希望能找到更多幸存者。 [03:10.62]Fourteen bodies have been recovered so far, but dozens of people have been reported missing or unaccounted for. 目前为止已经找到14具尸体,但据悉还有数十人失踪或下落不明。 [03:17.03]Dogs and aircraft have been used in the search for survivors. 他们动用了狗和飞机来寻找幸存者, [03:20.51]But the work has been painstakingly slow and dangerous because the ground is highly unstable. 但由于地面仍然不稳定,因此搜救工作很艰难且危险地进行。 [03:25.68]The Kenyan government has ordered Somali refugees living in urban areas to return to their designated camps. 肯尼亚政府命令居住在城市地区的索马里难民回到各自营地, [03:32.68]The Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku issued the order citing emergency security challenges. 内政部长约瑟夫·欧力·伦库发布的命令中提到有紧急安全问题。 [03:38.95]There’ve been several incidents of violence in Kenya in recent months involving Islamist extremists thought to be allied to the Somali insurgent group al-Shabab. 最近几月肯尼亚发生了几起与伊斯兰极端组织有关的暴力事件,据悉该组织和索马里阿尔沙巴布组织有盟友关系。 [03:48.04]The health ministry in the West African state of Guinea has banned the sale and consumption of bats to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. 西非国家几内亚卫生部下令禁止销售和食用蝙蝠,目的是预防致命疾病埃博拉病毒的蔓延。 [03:58.02]Sixty-two people have now been killed by the virus in Guinea with suspected cases reported in neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone. Thomas Fessy reports. 目前几内亚已有62人死于该病毒,邻国利比里亚和塞拉利昂都报道发生疑似病例。Thomas Fessy报道。 [04:06.79]Bats are local delicacies in parts of Guinea, but they are considered a possible cause of the Ebola outbreak in the south of the country. 蝙蝠是几内亚部分地区的美味小吃,但蝙蝠被视为是该国南部埃博拉爆发的可能致病因。 [04:16.52]Countries in the region have announced a series of preventative measures including stronger border control and health checks. 该地区的国家都宣布了系列预防措施,包括加强边境控制和医疗检查。 [04:24.22]Five out of six people who’d crossed from Guinea into Liberia showing symptoms of the fever have died, 有6人从几内亚越境进入利比里亚,其中有5人表现出发烧症状并死亡, [04:32.09]but the Liberian authorities have yet to confirm whether these cases were Ebola.Thomas Fessy 但利比里亚当局尚未证实这些病例是否是埃博拉。 [04:38.10]Football news: and the German champions Bayern Munich have retained their title winning the Bundesliga with seven games to spare-- an unprecedented feat. 足球方面的消息,德国拜仁慕尼黑赢得德国足球甲级联赛冠军,取得前所未有的佳绩。 [04:49.11]They notched up a record 19th consecutive win by beating Hertha Berliner 3-1 in the German capital.BBC News 他们在德国首都以3:1的成绩赢得柏林赫塔足球俱乐部,创下连续19次夺冠的佳绩。BBC新闻。