[00:00.00]BBC News with Neil Nunes 尼尔·纽尼斯为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:04.25]Ukraine’s new government says it’s making contingency plans to withdraw its troops and their families from Crimea following Russian moves to annex the peninsula. 乌克兰新政府称由于俄罗斯吞并克里米亚,将制定将军队及其家属从该地撤离的应急计划。 [00:14.74]The country’s Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsya told the BBC the government was very concerned about the safety of is citizens. 该国外长Andrii Deshchytsya告诉BBC,政府很担心当地居民的安危。 [00:22.36]The Ukrainian Security Chief Andriy Parubiy said they wanted to be able to move people quickly and efficiently to mainland Ukraine. 乌克兰安全部长安德里·帕鲁比称他希望能将人们尽快有效撤离到乌克兰大陆上。 [00:29.83]“The cabinet of ministers has been ordered to demand without further delay that the UN proclaim Crimea a demilitarised zone “部长内阁已得到命令,要求联合国立即宣布克里米亚为非军事管制区, [00:39.97]and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the autonomous Republic of Crimea 尽快将乌克兰军队从克里米亚自治共和国撤离, [00:43.86]and to ensure the relocation of Ukrainian troops to continental Ukraine 确保将乌克兰军队安置到乌克兰大陆, [00:48.60]as well as facilitate evacuation of all civilians who are unwilling to remain on the occupied territory.” 同时为所有不愿继续呆在这片被占领区的平民撤离提供便利。” [00:56.11]Ukraine has warned the pro-Russian authorities in Crimea that they’ll face a response unless they release the head of its navy, 乌克兰警告克里米亚亲俄罗斯当局,除非释放其海军首领,否则将面临后果, [01:04.10]who was led away as armed activists took over Ukraine’s navy headquarters in Sevastopol. 在武装活动人士占领塞瓦斯托波尔的乌克兰海军总部时这位将领被带走。 [01:09.45]Ukraine’s acting president Oleksandr Turchynov said that what he called all military and civilian hostages held by Crimean leaders had to be freed. 乌克兰临时总统图尔奇诺夫称必须释放被克里米亚领导人扣押的全部军事和平民人质。 [01:18.60]Our correspondent in Sevastopol Mark Lowen says just a few servicemen are holding out inside the headquarters. BBC驻塞瓦斯托波尔记者马克·罗文称总部内只有少数军人被扣押。 [01:25.07]I have just spoken to one of the few Ukrainian sailors who remain barricaded inside the naval headquarters here in Sevastopol. 我刚和一位乌克兰水手谈过话,这些数量不多的水手仍在塞瓦斯托波尔的海军总部内设置障碍。 [01:35.08]He told me earlier in the day that there were about 100 Ukrainian sailors who were holding out inside the building, 他早些时候告诉我,这座大楼内约有100名乌克兰士兵被扣押, [01:40.73]but now there were just a handful left; most of the others have departed, 但现在有少数人离开了,其他多数已经动身, [01:44.05]and just a few remaining had been ordered to stay, ordered to protect Ukrainian equipment. 只有少数被下令留在那里保护乌克兰设备。 [01:48.76]But, he said, he fully expects that there will be an order that will come through tomorrow morning for them to withdraw. 但他说他相信明天早上就会下令将他们撤走。 [01:54.91]Syrian opposition activists say rebel fighters have taken control of a prison outside the city of Gharaz. 叙利亚反对活动人士称叛军武装分子占领了Gharaz市外的监狱, [02:02.81]The UK based Syrian observatory for human rights says the rebels seized the prison after a long battle with government forces. 总部在英国的叙利亚人权观察组织称在与政府进行长期战斗后,叛军占领了监狱。 [02:09.87]Dozens of inmates are reported to have been released. 据悉数十名囚犯已经获释。 [02:12.98]The Japanese car giant Toyota has agreed to pay $1.2bn to resolve a criminal dispute with the United States over safety problems that led to the recall of millions of vehicles. 日本汽车巨头丰田同意就与美国的刑事争端支付12亿美元的赔偿,这件案子中涉及的安全问题使得该公司召回数百万辆汽车。 [02:25.20]In a statement, Toyota said it took full responsibility for any concerns the company’s actions might have caused its customers. 丰田在声明中称,对于该公司行为给客户造成的任何担忧,本公司都会承担全部责任。 [02:31.80]The US Attorney-General Eric Holder described Toyota’s behaviour as shameful. 美国总检察长埃里克·霍尔德称丰田的行为是可耻的。 [02:37.12]“When car owners get behind the wheel, they have the right to expect that their vehicle is safe. “当车主开车时,他们有权利期待车辆是安全的。 [02:43.69]If part of the automobile turns out to have safety issues, the car company has a duty upfront to tell customers about them, 如果部分汽车出现安全问题,那么汽车公司就有责任提前告诉顾客尽快修好, [02:51.33]to fix them quickly and to immediately tell the truth about the problem. Toyota violated this basic compact.”World News from the BBC 立即告诉问题所在。而丰田违反了这一基本的原则。”BBC世界新闻报道。 [03:00.96]A man once considered to be one of Sweden’s most prolific sea-whale killers has been released 曾被视为瑞典捕杀海鲸数量最多的人现已获释, [03:07.87]after the authorities found that his eight murder convictions were based on false confessions. 原因是当局发现针对他的8项谋杀指控是基于虚假供述。 [03:13.23]Sture Bergwall, who suffers from a personality disorder, had been held in psychiatric detention for more than 20 years. 患有人格障碍的Sture Bergwall已被拘留在精神拘留所20多年, [03:20.39]He retracted his confessions six years ago saying that when he made them he was heavily medicated and seeking attention. 他收回6年前的供述,称当时自己服药过多,并为获得关注而供认。 [03:27.32]The Zimbabwe government has slashed the wages of the heads of state-run companies following a public outcry. 由于公众抗议,津巴布韦政府已削减国有企业高管的薪水, [03:34.82]Some of the bosses of the government-owned corporations were reported to be earning more than $0.5m a month. 据悉部分国有公司的老板月薪曾超过50万美元, [03:41.43]They’ve now been kept at just $6,000 a month. But these people in Harare accuse the government of being slow to act. 现在只有6000美元月薪。但哈拉雷的人们指责政府迟迟才采取行动。 [03:48.28]“It was their long offered duty. It was supposed to be done a long way better, “他们早就该这么做了,本来就应该做得更好, [03:53.24]because people are suffering, worse, some other people are gaining at the expense of us.” 因为人们在受苦,每况愈下,而其他人却以我们受苦为代价获得高收入。” [03:58.60]“I feel it’s like another way of cheating us. You might let all people see 6,000, “我感觉这是用另一种方式在欺骗我们,可以告诉公众现在只有6000美元, [04:04.89]yet we don’t know about their benefits. What are they getting behind these state salaries?” 但我们不知道他们的福利,在这些薪水之外他们的其他收入呢?” [04:11.76]Chile’s new government is to review plans for a big hydroelectric project that will dam rivers in a remote part of Patagonia. 智利新政府将重审一项大型水利项目,该项目内容是在巴塔哥尼亚一偏远地区河流上修建大坝。 [04:20.72]The future of the HidroAysen scheme will be decided within the next two months. HidroAysen水电项目的命运将在未来两月内决定, [04:25.05]Environmentalists say it will ruin an area renowned for its wild beauty. 环保人士称这将毁掉这片有着野性美的地区。 [04:29.71]In the latest blow to his reputation, the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has relinquished an honorific title, which had become his nickname. 意大利前总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼的名誉再次受损,他现已放弃一个已成为他的别名的荣誉称号。 [04:39.68]Mr Berlusconi was made a Knight of Labour, an order of merit for entrepreneurs in the 1970s and had become known as the Knight in the Italian press. 贝卢斯科尼在20世纪70年代被誉为“劳工骑士”,该称号是对企业家的赞誉,贝卢斯科尼被称为意大利媒体界的骑士。 [04:49.13]But some members of the order had called for his expulsion after Italy’s highest court upheld his conviction for tax fraud. BBC World News 但在意大利最高法院判定贝卢斯科尼逃税后,颁布该荣誉的成员就呼吁驱逐他。BBC新闻。