[00:00.00]BBC News with Nick Kelly 尼克·凯里为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.37]Western leaders have stepped up pressure on Russia to abandon efforts to annex Ukraine's Crimea region or face sanctions. 西方国家领导人纷纷向俄罗斯施压,要求其放弃兼并乌克兰的克里米亚地区的努力,否则将面临制裁。 [00:10.96]President Obama spoke at the White House after talks with the interim Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. 总统奥巴马在白宫与乌克兰历史总理阿尔谢尼·亚采纽克会面后发表讲话说: [00:17.52]“We will continue to say to the Russian government that if it continues on the path that it is on, “我们将继续向俄罗斯政府表示,如果在这条路上继续走下去, [00:24.98]then not only us, but the international community, the European Union and others will be forced to apply a cost to Russia's violations of international law.” 那么不仅美国,还有国际社会、欧盟等都会被逼无奈,让俄罗斯就其侵犯国际法的行为付出代价。” [00:40.17]Earlier, the European Union and the G7 Group of industrialized nations spoke that they would take action against Russia if the referendum went ahead. 早些时候,欧盟和工业化国家七国集团称如果举行公投,将对俄罗斯采取行动。 [00:49.12]The American Secretary of State John Kerry will meet his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in London on Friday to present a series of options for resolving the crisis. 美国国务卿约翰·克里将于周五在伦敦与俄罗斯外长谢尔盖-拉夫罗夫会面,届时将就解决危机提供系列解决方案。 [00:58.13]Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip have fired rockets into southern Israel, the heaviest barrage since 2012. 加沙地带的巴勒斯坦军武装人员向以色列南部发射火箭,这是2012年最激烈的进攻。 [01:05.64]The Israeli military responded with artillery fire into the north and south of Gaza. Quentin Sommerville reports from Jerusalem. 以色列政府发出回应,向加沙地带和北部和南部都进行炮火攻击。昆汀·萨莫维尔在耶路撒冷报道。 [01:13.78]Dozens of rockets could be seen being fired from the southern outskirts of Gaza city according to an eyewitness. 目击者称可以看到数十枚火箭从加沙南部郊区发射过来, [01:19.94]In southern Israel, siren sounded and those in range were told to take shelter. 在以色列南部,警报声响起,告知那些在射程之内的人们找地方躲藏起来。 [01:24.77]One rocket landed near a library, another beside a petrol station. 一枚火箭落到一座图书馆附近,另一枚落在一个加油站旁边。 [01:28.97]The militant group Islamic Jihad said it carried out the attack in response to an Israeli raid on Tuesday which killed three of its fighters. 伊斯兰圣战组织称实施了这些袭击,这是为了报复周二以色列的突袭,当时有三名武装分子丧生。 [01:37.03]The militant group Islamic Jihad said it fired the rockets to avenge the deaths of three of its members killed in an Israeli airstrike. 伊斯兰圣战组织称发射火箭弹是为在以色列空袭中丧生的本组织成员报复。 [01:44.64]Riot police in Turkey have fired water cannon and teargas at thousands of demonstrators in Istanbul. 在土耳其首都伊斯坦布尔,防暴警察用水枪和催泪弹对付数千名游行者。 [01:51.04]Mass protests broke out after the funeral of a teenage boy Berkin Elvan who died on Tuesday from injuries caused by a teargas canister during unrest last year. 少年Berkin Elvan去年在动乱中因催泪弹罐袭击而受伤,他已于周二去世,在他的葬礼举行完后就发生了大规模抗议活动。 [02:01.68]The boy's father Semi told the BBC he wanted his son to be remembered as a child who was killed by the state. 这名男孩的父亲塞米告诉BBC,他想让大家记住自己的儿子是被政府杀死的。 [02:07.94]But he said he shouldn't be seen as a political symbol, because he wasn't part of any protest, he'd only gone out buy bread. 但他说不应该将Elvan看做政治象征,因为他没有参加任何抗议,他只是跑出去买面包而已。 [02:14.94]One of the protesters A explained why he was taking part. 其中一名抗议者解释了为何参加游行。 [02:18.95]“Today we are here to protest the government's, their fascist behavior, actually to mourn the death of a young boy, “今天我们来这里抗议政府的法西斯行为,也是为了哀悼男孩的死, [02:28.63]a younger adult, all his guilt was to buy a lot of bread, and we are here so this doesn't repeat.” 这样的年轻人,他的全部罪过不过是买了很多面包,我们来抗议,所以这悲剧不会重演了。” [02:35.44]The Chinese authorities have published images of what they suggest maybe three pieces of wreckage from a Malaysian airliner that vanished on Saturday on its way to Beijing. 中国政府公布了或许是马来西亚飞机残骸的图片,这架飞机周六在飞往北京的途中失踪。 [02:45.40]The website of China's State Administration of Science carries three satellite images taken a day after the plane went missing. 中国国防科工局网站上发布了飞机失踪一天后的三张卫星图片, [02:53.69]Coordinates alongside them will place the objects in the South China Sea.World News from the BBC 同时协调工作人员将寻找南中国海上的这些目标。BBC世界新闻。 [03:00.29]Supporters and opponents of the Venezuelan government have filled the streets of Caracas in rival marches, marking one month since the current protests movement began. 委内瑞拉政府和支持者和反对者在加拉加斯大街上举行对抗游行,到目前为止这场抗议活动已经持续一个月了。 [03:10.19]At least 22 people from both sides of the political divide have been killed in the unrest. 两个政治派别至少共22人在动乱中丧生, [03:15.95]One opposition leader Maria Corina Machado told the BBC that most Venezuelans wanted an immediate change of leadership albeit through peaceful means. 反对派领袖玛利亚·科里娜·玛查多告诉BBC,大多数委内瑞拉人希望通过和平手段改变领导层。 [03:24.69]But a government minister criticized the opposition's tactics. 但政府部长批评了反对派的策略。 [03:29.45]“We're seeing a scheme, that we've in the past, it's the effort to destabilize our country, this is a democratic country, “我们看到这一切不过是场阴谋,是企图颠覆国家的阴谋,这是个民主国家, [03:35.89]we just came out of an election this last December which we won may over 10%, 我们去年12月刚经过选举,我们党赢得了10%以上的支持率, [03:40.85]we had four elections in the last two years before that we had presidential elections in April, 过去两年我们选举了四次,而两年前我们4月份举行了总统选举, [03:47.11]before that we have Chavez we elected in October. 更早的10月份选举了查韦斯。 [03:49.42]So we've won by an important majority for the last four elections. ” 所以在过去四年间我们赢得了绝大多数支持。 [03:54.90]The mayor of New York Bill de Blasio says an explosion that destroyed two five-storey buildings in the city was caused by a gas leak. 纽约市长白思豪称本市两座五层建筑因媒体泄露而爆炸, [04:02.85]Two women died, and a number of people are unaccounted for following the blast. 两名妇女丧生,还有多人在爆炸后失踪。 [04:07.47]And the Italian parliament has backed plans by the new Prime Minister Metteo Renzi for electoral reforms designed to ensure a more stable and long-lasting government. 为了建立更稳定更长期的政府,意大利新总理马特奥·伦奇计划进行选举改革,这一计划得到意大利议会的支持。 [04:17.81]After securing a comfortable victory in the lower house of parliament, he twittered the message politics one, defeatism? Nill. 新总理先是在议会下议院轻松获胜,然后在推特上发表信息:政治一分,失败主义?零分。 [04:25.76]As Alan Johnston reports from Rome. Mr. Renzi has also announced his economic plans. 艾伦·约翰逊在罗马报道。伦奇也已宣布其经济计划。 [04:30.96]He's ordered a tax cut for the poorest Italians. The tax burden will also be eased on businesses. 他下令对意大利最贫困人口实施减税,企业的税务负担也将减轻, [04:38.81]They'll pay less for their electricity and huge debts owed to private companies by government agencies will be settled. 电费也将减少,同时也将清理政府机构对企业欠下的巨额债款。 [04:46.73]So how will all these be funded? Well, Mr. Renzi insisted that much of it can be covered by spending cuts. 那么谁将为这一切买单呢?伦奇坚称大部分将由开支削减来实现, [04:55.05]There will also be a rise in capital gains tax.BBC News. 同时也将提高资本收益税。BBC新闻。