[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.35]29. Early Education 早期教育 [00:11.12]It's a good thing that many parents have already realized the importance of education, 很多父母已经意识到教育的重要性,这是令人可喜的。 [00:22.13]but some parents are too eager to start their own program to educate their young children. 但是一些父母太过心急来实施他们的育儿计划。 [00:29.05]It's not unusual to see a 3 or 4 year old child busy learning many things, such as playing the piano, or drawing pictures, etc. 三四岁的小孩忙着学弹琴、绘画,一点也不足为奇。 [00:39.07]However, few of them have any interest in the things they have learned, and even fewer will be successful in the future. 然而,这些孩子很少对自己所学的东西感兴趣,真正成材的更是微乎其微了。 [00:49.08]There's a very famous saying, which goes "More haste, less speed." 有一句名言“欲速则不达”。 [00:54.27]Without considering the age and interests of their kids, parents are actually killing their curiosity. 不考虑孩子的年龄和兴趣,父母实际上抹杀了孩子的好奇心。 [01:01.04]The so-called early education will do great harm to the children's development. 所谓的早期教育将会严重危害孩子的发展。 [01:08.36]So, if the parents really want to pay attention to the children's education, 如果父母真地很关心孩子的教育, [01:13.29]they should firstthink of their children's interests, 他们应该首先考虑孩子的兴趣, [01:16.59]and then make a reasonable plan according to the age of their children. 然后再根据孩子不同的年龄制定出合理的计划。