[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.22]27. Don't Spoil the Children 不要溺爱孩子 [00:10.19]For many years, the "one couple, one child" policy has been carried out in China “一对夫妇,一个孩子”的政策在中国已实施多年, [00:21.53]and it has proved to be an effective way to control the rapid growth of the population in our country. 并且被认为是控制我国人口快速增长的有效措施。 [00:28.47]However, the advantages are often accompanied by some disadvantages. 然而,弊端也随之而来, [00:35.14]For example, the only child becomes the center or even the "emperor" of the family. 独生子成为了家庭的中心甚至是“小皇帝”。 [00:42.21]In order to provide a bright future for the only child, many parents or grand parents show too much love to them. 为了使自己的独生子有一个美好的未来,许多父母和祖父母给予了他们太多的爱, [00:52.15]They do almost everything for their children to wipe away any hardship from them. 他们甚至愿为孩子做任何事情而惟恐他们承受一些艰辛。 [00:58.42]Yet, when the spoiled children grow up, many of them greatly disappoint their parents. 然而,当这些被宠坏的孩子长大以后,他们中的许多都会使父母失望, [01:05.25]Some of them even commit crimes. Who should be blamed? 有的甚至还会走上犯罪道路。这到底是谁的错? [01:11.01]I think parents should teach their children to bear hardships and tell them the correct way to communicate with others. 我认为应该教会孩子去吃苦,并且告诉他们如何和他人正确相处, [01:19.12]Only by correct education, can the children be useful in the future. 只有通过正确的教育,孩子在将来才会变得有用。