[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.22]25. Cities or Countryside 城市与乡村 [00:12.02]When asked whether they would prefer to live in a city or the countryside, people tend to have different ideas. 当问及愿意住在城市还是乡村时,人们通常观点各异。 [00:23.49]People who are in favor of city life may think it is too isolated and rather backward to live in the countryside; 愿意住在城市的人通常会认为乡村生活过于闭塞和落后; [00:31.26]while advocates for country life argue that the cities are rather crowded and dirty. 而倾向于乡村生活的人则认为城市生活太过拥挤和肮脏。 [00:38.26]In fact, each way of living has its advantages as well as disadvantages. 实际上,这两种观点都有其优缺点。 [00:44.56]People living in the city can enjoy quick and convenient services, yet never will they have the fresh air breathed by the countrymen. 住在城市里的人可以享受到快速便捷的服务,然而却永远也无法分享到乡村人所能呼吸到的新鲜空气; [00:54.54]On the other hand, though people living in the country will be close to nature, 与此同理,住在乡村的人的确和自然很近, [00:59.56]sometimes they will feel that they have been forgotten by modern society. 他们有时也会觉得被现代社会所遗忘。 [01:04.42]In my eyes, people should have the freedom to decide where to live. 在我看来,人们应该自主地选择自己的居住地, [01:11.30]They can make their own decisions according to their own situation. 他们可以根据个人情况来决定他们的选择。