[00:00.00]BBC News with John Jason 约翰·贾森为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.62]Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, freed by parliament after more than two years in prison has addressed thousands of opposition demonstrators in the heart of the capital Kiev. 乌克兰前总理尤利娅·季莫申科在入狱两年后被议会释放,如今她在首都基辅中心向数千名反对派游行者讲话。 [00:13.78]Sitting in a wheelchair, wiping away tears, she prays the demonstrators who lost their lives in the street violence. 季莫申科坐在轮椅上擦着眼泪,她向在街头暴力中丧生的游行者做祈祷。 [00:19.82]“I arrived in Kiev which I did not recognize. Burned cars, barricades, flowers, “我回到基辅,但这里的一切已经变得陌生。燃烧的汽车、路障、鲜花。 [00:33.43]but this is a different Ukraine, this is a Ukraine of free people, and you gave each of us, 但这是另一个乌克兰,是自由人的乌克兰, [00:39.16]each of us who lives today and tomorrow a new country. 但这是另一个乌克兰,是自由人的乌克兰,你们赋予我们今天和明天活着的人一个新的国家, [00:42.96]Therefore, the people who are on the Maidan and died on the Maidan will be here with us forever. These are our liberators.” 相信明年乌克兰是个全新的国家。因此,在练兵场上的人和已经死在练兵上的人和我们永在,他们是我们的解放者。” [00:50.00]Earlier, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovych from office. 早些时候,乌克兰议会投票将总统维克多·亚努科维奇赶下台。 [00:54.57]His spokeswoman said Mr. Yanukovych did not recognize the decision. 他的发言人说亚努科维奇不接受这一决定, [00:58.37]Our correspondent David Stern is on Independence Square in Kiev. He's been watching today's tumultuous events unfold. 记者戴维·斯特恩在基辅独立广场报道,他一直在观察今天的动荡局势。 [01:05.22]It all started with news in which Yanukovych was no longer in Kiev. 我们一开始得到的消息是,亚努科维奇已经不在基辅。 [01:09.98]The government area was taken over by the protesters, here the resident was vacated. 政府所在地区已经被反对派接管,当地居民已经清空。 [01:16.39]And then things will very quickly with a call for his impeachment. 然后事情进展的很快,马上就有人呼吁弹劾他。 [01:20.81]And there was a rumor that he was going to resign, then he went on television, 然后有传闻称他将辞职,然后他就上了电视, [01:25.40]there was a recorded statement where he said that he was not resigning, he was not going anywhere, 发表声明称自己不会辞职,不会去哪里, [01:30.81]and everything that was happening was the only goal, it was a coup d'etat. 所有发生的一切只有一个目标,那就是政变。 [01:34.09]Nevertheless, the parliament took the decision to impeach him and to release Mrs Yymoshenko, and that's what I've been just to right now. 然而,议会已决定弹劾他,并释放季莫申科,这就是最近的消息。 [01:43.05]Washington said today's developments could move Ukraine closer to constitutional change, and the people of Ukraine must determine their own future. 华盛顿称今天的态势可能使得乌克兰发生宪法改革,乌克兰人必须决定自己的未来。 [01:50.65]The German foreign minister urged both sides in the crisis to begin building a relationship of trust. 德国外长敦促危机双方建立信任关系。 [01:56.38]But the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Ukraine's opposition had failed to live up to promises made in a deal with Mr. Yanukovych on Friday, 但俄罗斯外长谢尔盖-拉夫罗夫称乌克兰反对派未能兑现周五与亚努科维奇达成协议中的承诺, [02:05.01]which paved the way for earlier elections. 该协议为进行提前选举扫清了道路。 [02:07.60]One of the world's most wanted drug barons Joaquin Guzman known as EI Chapo or Shorty has been arrested in northwest Mexico. 绰号“矮子”的世界头号毒品通缉大亨乔奎恩·古兹曼在墨西哥西北部被捕, [02:16.19]The former leader of the Sinaloa cartel was paraded before the media to military compound. With more from Mexico city, Will Grant. 这位锡那罗亚州卡特尔前领袖在媒体面前被一路游行带到军事区。威尔·格兰特在墨西哥市报道。 [02:24.17]Joaquin EI Chapo Guzman has evaded arrest since he escaped from prison in 2001. 乔奎恩·古兹曼自2001年越狱后一直在逃, [02:30.35]Since then, he's been able to run the biggest and most powerful drug cartel in Latin America, the Sinaloa cartel with complete impunity. 自此他经营起拉美规模最大最有实力的毒品卡特尔锡那罗亚贩毒集团,同时逍遥法外。 [02:38.24]It's been reported that Guzman was finally up handed in a hotel in the city of Maztlan in his home state of Sinaloa, 据悉古兹曼最终是在家乡锡那罗亚州马萨特兰的一家酒店被捕的, [02:44.47]in what is being called a joint operation between US and Mexican forces. 这次行动是由美国和墨西哥部队联合实施的。 [02:48.39]Not only has Guzman been one of the most wanted drug lords in the world, 古兹曼不仅是世界头号毒品通缉犯, [02:52.74]he's also one of the wealthiest, amassing a personal fortune thought to be an excess of a billion dollars.World News from the BBC 还是全球富豪之一,据悉积累的个人财富超过10亿美元。 [03:01.08]The UN Security Council has unanimously approved a revolution to boost access for those delivering humanitarian aid in Syria. 联合国安理会全体一致通过一项决议,要求叙利亚给提供人道主义援助的人员进入该国提供便利。 [03:08.93]The resolution states that the Syrian government has allowed aid for civilians throughout the country. From New York, Nick Bryant. 该决议表示叙利亚政府已允许在全国各地为平民提供援助。尼克·布莱恩特在纽约报道。 [03:15.91]This was a rare moment of unanimity from the United Nations Security Council on Syria. 在叙利亚问题上,联合国安理会很少这样全体一致表决, [03:20.78]This one focuses on much-needed humanitarian aid and demands immediate access for aid convoy to enter Syria from neighboring countries like Turkey and Iraq and also to cross the war's frontlines. 这次的问题是叙利亚急需的人道主义援助,以及为援助使团从土耳其、伊拉克等邻国进入叙利亚并越过战线立即提供便利, [03:33.22]It demands a lifting of the sieges that have trapped 250,000 people, condemns starvation as a strategy of war, 决议还要求取消对25万人口的包围,谴责叙利亚将饥饿作为战争策略的做法, [03:41.86]and singles out the barbarity of the barrel bombs dropped on civilian populations by the Assad regime. 并指出阿萨德政权用炮轰平民的野蛮行径。 [03:48.27]A car bomb has exploded at an army checkpoint in the town of Hermel in northeast Lebanon killing at least two soldiers. 一枚汽车炸弹在黎巴嫩东北部赫梅尔镇一个军事据点爆炸,导致至少两名士兵丧生。 [03:54.99]Hermel is a stronghold of the Shiite movement Hezbollah and has seen a number of attacks in recent months. 赫梅尔是什叶派运动真主党的据点,最近数月发生多次袭击事件。 [04:00.90]A Saudi archaeologist Dr.Irfan al-Alawi has warned that what many Islamist scholars believe to be the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad Mecca is in danger of being destroyed. 沙特考古学家伊尔凡·阿拉维博士警告时候,被许多伊斯兰学者认为是先知穆罕默德诞生地的麦加有被破坏的危险。 [04:11.40]Plans for further multi-billion dollar redevelopment in Mecca could see the site obliterated. Here's Sebastian Usher. 麦加涉资数十亿美元的发展项目可能导致该地点消失,塞巴斯蒂安·亚瑟报道。 [04:18.54]The prophet Mohamed's birthplace is believed by many scholars to be in the shadow of the Great Mosque in Mecca.A small library stands over the unexcavated site. 许多学者认为先知穆罕默德的诞生地在麦加大清真寺的影子里,一个小图书馆坐落在这块未被发掘的地点。 [04:28.21]Dr. al-Alawi says that maps and documents dating back hundreds of years confirm the spot as the Prophet's first home. 阿拉维博士称数百年前的地图和文件表明这里是先知的诞生地, [04:34.94]The Saudi authorities say it isn't put site up telling pilgrims not to visit, 沙特当局称不会告诉朝圣者不要来这里, [04:39.52]as followers of the Wahabi form of Islam the Saudi government is opposed in any case to shrines, condemning the practice as idolatry. 因为伊斯兰瓦哈比教派组建的沙特政府反对圣地,谴责这种行为是偶像崇拜。 [04:47.63]A diamond worth more than $6m has been discovered in eastern Sierra Leone,the 153 carat gem is one of the most precious finds over the past decade.BBC News 塞拉利昂东部发现一枚价值600多万美元的钻石,这块153克拉的钻石是过去10年来发现的最宝贵宝石。BBC新闻。