[00:00.00]BBC News with Sue Montgomery 苏·蒙哥马利为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.39]A Nigerian member of parliament has told the BBC that suspected Islamist militants have killed more than 100 people in northeast Nigeria. 一名尼日利亚议员告诉BBC,嫌疑伊斯兰武装分子在尼日利亚东北部杀害100多人, [00:13.52]The attack has been blamed on the Boko Haram group. Will Ross reports from Lagos. 这次袭击是由博科圣地组织所为。威尔·罗斯在拉各斯报道。 [00:18.88]According to residents who have fled the scene, gunmen rounded up about 30 men in the village of Izghe and shot them all. 根据逃离现场的居民说,武装分子在Izghe村包围30多名男子并向他们开枪。 [00:27.17]The suspected Boko Haram militants then went to house to house, killing people. Some were shot, others had their throats slit. 嫌疑博科圣地武装分子然后挨家挨户杀人,有的被开枪打死,有的被隔断喉咙。 [00:33.88]A spokesman for the Nigerian military said he did not yet have details of the attack. 尼日利亚军方发言人说他尚未得到关于袭击的细节。 [00:38.72]When asked how Boko Haram was able to carry out these attacks so frequently, killing hundreds of civilians, he said, the army could not be everywhere, 当被问及博科圣地为何如此频繁地实施袭击并杀死数百平民,他回答道,不可能到处都有部队存在, [00:47.04]and the Islamist fighters were mobile. He also said they were desperate after their camps had been destroyed. 而伊斯兰武装分子是流动的,他说该组织在营地被毁后很猖獗。 [00:52.84]The Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos says he's outraged by allegations of a massive corruption network in the Colombian army. 有传闻称哥伦比亚军队存在大规模腐败网络,对此哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯称感到很愤慨。 [01:01.22]The allegations were published by the Colombian weekly magazine Semana. Leonardo Rocha has the details. 这一传闻被发表在哥伦比亚周刊Semana上。Leonardo Rocha报道。 [01:07.52]Army generals and other senior officers have been accused of taking bribes of up to 50% of the value of the contracts they awarded. 军队将军和其他高级军官被控从所得到合同中获得合同额50%的贿赂, [01:15.99]Some were allegedly diverting money that was meant to be spent in weapons, petrol and other supplies. 据悉有的还贪污本用于购买武器、汽油等供应的资金。 [01:22.79]The magazine says it had access to hours of tape conversations. Colombian media have pointed out that more accountability is needed. 该杂志称有几小时的对话录音,哥伦比亚媒体称需要更有力的问责制。 [01:31.04]The defence budget has soared in recent years as United Stated continues to pay Columbia a generous yearly allowance for the war and drugs. 近几年随着美国继续向哥伦比亚提供用于战争和缉毒的丰厚津贴,哥伦比亚的国防预算也在飙升。 [01:39.27]An operation to rescue miners trapped in an abandoned South African gold mine has ended for the night with an unknown number ere still underground. 营救被困南非废弃金矿矿工的工作已于晚上结束,尚有一名身份未知的人员仍在地下。 [01:48.36]A spokesmen for the emergency rescue team, Werner Vermaak said 11 people suspected of illegal mining have been brought to safety after rubble was cleared from the disused mine east of Johannesburg. 应急援救小组发言人Werner Vermaak称,在约翰内斯堡东部的废弃矿场,清除矿井的碎石后,11名涉嫌非法开采的人员已被安全救出, [02:00.33]They were then arrested after medical checks. Mr. Vermaak said others were unwilling to come out for fear of being detained. 他们在接受医疗检查后被捕。Vermaak说其他人因担心被捕不敢出来。 [02:07.18]“We managed to rescue 11 of them. “我们设法救出了11人, [02:10.42]There are still unknown amount of them trapped, once they notice that it has one after they are being safe minutely, are being arrested, they refuse to come out and well being safe. 不过还有若干人被困其中,一旦他们知道上来后会被捕,就拒绝出来。 [02:22.81]So they are all scared that they are being arrested and I'd say there is no way that they are going to come out, just being arrested, so they rather stay underground.” 所以他们都很害怕被捕,我觉得他们不会出来的,所以更愿意呆在地下。” [02:30.13]Mr. Vermaak said the rescued miners had accused a rival group of deliberately blocking the shaft. Vermaak说被救矿工已经指控一个敌对组织故意封堵矿井。 [02:36.25]President Obama has warned the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni that if he enacts an anti-homosexual law, it will complicate relations with the Untied States. 奥巴马总统警告乌干达总统约韦里·穆塞韦尼,如果他颁布反同性恋法,那么该国与美国的关系就会复杂化。 [02:46.80]Under the proposed legislation, those convicted of homosexual acts would face harsh sentences including life imprisonment. 根据拟议的法律,有同性恋行为的人将面临包括终身监禁在内的严厉惩罚。 [02:53.79]Mr. Obama said the law would be a step backwards for all Ugandans.World News from the BBC 奥巴马说该法将是所有乌干达人民的后退。BBC世界新闻。 [03:00.58]A bomb explosion has hit a tourist bus in Epgyt's Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 3 South Koreans. 一枚炸弹袭击了埃及西奈半岛一辆旅游车,导致至少三名韩国人丧生。 [03:07.83]An Egyptian driver was also killed, and more than 10 people were injured. 一名埃及司机也丧生,还有10多人受伤。 [03:12.40]Islamist militants in the Sinai have stepped up attacks on security targets, since the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi last year. 自去年总统穆罕默德·穆尔西被赶下台后,西奈的伊斯兰武装分子就加大了对安全目标的袭击。 [03:20.71]The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had said he does not want to flood Israel with Palestinian refugees after any future peace deal. 巴勒斯坦总统穆罕默德·阿巴斯称,他不想在未来任何和平协议签署后看到巴勒斯坦难民涌入以色列。 [03:30.81]Speaking to a visiting group of Israeli students in the West Bank city of Ramallah, 在西岸城市拉姆安拉,阿巴斯向来访的以色列学生组织发表讲话, [03:35.33]Mr. Abbas said he wanted to reach a compromise solution on the issue of around 6 million Palestinian refugees. 他说他希望就约600万巴勒斯坦难民问题达成妥协, [03:42.36]He also said that Jerusalem should not be divided. 他说耶路撒冷不应该分裂。 [03:45.31]Venezuelan police, trying to arrest an opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, have searched his and his parents' homes. 试图逮捕反对派领袖洛佩斯的委内瑞拉警方搜查了他和他父母的家, [03:53.72]Mr. Lopez organized recent anti-government protests and has been blamed by President Nicolas Maduro for the deaths of three men at the end of opposition marches in Caracas. Irene Caselli reports. 洛佩斯最近组织了反政府抗议活动,总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗还指责他要为加拉加斯反对派游行结束时三名男子的死亡负责。Irene Caselli报道。 [04:05.37]The people are with you, students chanted in support of Leopoldo Lopez in the streets of Caracas. 在加拉加斯大街上,学生高呼支持洛佩斯的口号, [04:12.65]The opposition politician has an arrest warrant pinned against him. 这位反对派领袖现被通缉。 [04:16.99]Mr. Lopez wrote on the social network Twitter that he had not left the country and would appear in public soon. 洛佩斯在社交网络推特上写道他没有离开本国,将很快公开露面。 [04:23.90]He was last seen on Wednesday, when three people died when marches turned violent. 他上次露面是在周三,当时有三人在游行转化的暴力事件中丧生。 [04:29.19]On Sunday, students said they won't stop marching, until President Nicolas Maduro resigns. 周日,学生们说他们会继续游行,直到总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗辞职为止。 [04:35.70]This year's British Academy Film Awards ceremony is underway in London. 今年的英国电影电视艺术学院奖颁奖典礼在伦敦举行, [04:39.75]A Somali-born resident of the United States Barkhad Abdi, who had never acted before has won best supporting actor for his role in the pirate film Captain Phillips. 之前从未有过表演经历的索马里生美国居民巴克德·阿巴蒂在海盗电影《菲利普船长》中获得最佳男配角奖, [04:49.93]Gravity directed by Alfonso Cuaron and 12 Years a Slave by Steve McQueen are the favorites to win best film.BBC News. 阿方索·卡隆导演的《地心引力》和史蒂夫·麦奎因导演的《为奴十二载》获得最佳影片奖。BBC新闻。