[00:00.00]BBC News with David Austin 戴维·奥斯丁为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:04.18]A joint team of United Nations officials and Red Crescent workers has withdrawn from a rebel-held district in the Syrian city of Homs after coming under fire whilst delivering humanitarian relief. 联合国官员和红新月人员组成的联合小组在提供人道主义援助时遭遇袭击,目前已从叙利亚被叛军控制的地区撤出。 [00:15.44]Seven Red Crescent workers and a similar number of UN officials were trapped for hours by fighting in the old city district of Homs. 7名红新月人员和一名联合国官员在古城霍姆斯被困战斗中。 [00:22.96]Khaled Erksoussi, the head of the Syrian Red Crescent told the BBC's News Hour about the challenges his team had faced as they were leaving. 叙利亚红新月负责人Khaled Erksoussi告诉BBC其团队在撤离时面临的困境。 [00:30.33]"As their team managed to get out to safety eventually, “联合小组努力安全撤退, [00:34.32]it was really a challenge even doing that because even when they were getting out, mortars were still falling, 但最后发现确实很难,因为他们出来时追击炮还在轰炸, [00:41.45]and there were often gunfire on the cars. 汽车不断遭受枪击。 [00:44.38]Our driver has waived and slightly injured, and we managed to get him to be treated." 我们的司机轻微受伤,我们最终把他救了过来。” [00:50.73]Turkish police have fired water canon and teargas to disperse hundreds of demonstrators in Istanbul who are protesting against new internet legislation. 在土耳其首都伊斯坦布尔,警察动用水枪和催泪弹驱散数百名抗议新的互联网法的游行者, [01:00.19]The law will allow the authorities to block webpages and force internet service providers to make user information available to the authorities. 新法允许当局封锁网页,迫使互联网供应商向当局提供网民信息。 [01:07.76]James Reynolds was watching the protests. 詹姆斯·雷诺兹在抗议现场报道。 [01:09.95]I'm standing at the entrance to Istiklal, Istanbul's main shopping street.And I'm speaking to you through a gas mask. “我现在站在伊斯坦布尔购物街伊斯提克拉的入口,我是戴着防毒面具为你报道新闻的。 [01:19.16]There is the heavy stink of teargas in the air, and for the last few minutes, I've been watching scuffles between riot police and protesters. 空气中弥漫着浓烈的瓦斯味,就在几分钟前,我看到警察和抗议者在扭打。 [01:28.04]Protesters have come here to demonstrate against the government's new internet law which will give the government greater powers to block websites without use of a judicial order. 抗议者反对政府的新互联网法,该法赋予政府更大的权力来封锁互联网,而无需司法命令。” [01:39.35]Vigilante groups backed up by Mexican military vehicles and troops have entered the town 配备墨西哥军队车辆的义务警员组织在军队的支持下进入一个城镇, [01:45.43]considered a stronghold of the Knights Templar drug cartel in the troubled Mexican state of Michoacan. From Mexico Will Grant. 据悉该城市墨西哥问题多发的米却肯州贩毒团伙圣殿骑士团的据点。威尔·格兰特在墨西哥报道。 [01:53.06]Having taken most of the main surrounding towns and villages, 自卫队目前已经占领周边的大部分城镇和村庄, [01:56.36]it was always just a question of time before the self-defence forces launching an assault on Apatzingan. 所以向阿帕兹甘发起进攻只是时间的问题。 [02:02.04]The city of around 120,000 residents has long been considered a stronghold of the Knights Templar 这个有着12万居民的城市长期以来都是圣殿骑士团的据点, [02:08.80]and that it is now under the control of the vigilantes as an important step for the self-defence forces at least symbolically. 目前已被义务警员控制,这至少在象征意义上是自卫队采取的重要一步。 [02:15.62]The vigilantes have taken the city without resistance and have established control in the main square. 这些警员很轻松地就夺下了该市,并控制了主大街。 [02:20.47]There are reports of house-to-house searches for alleged cartel members, 据悉他们挨家挨户搜捕嫌疑分子, [02:24.30]although weakened, the Knights Templar cartel is expected to try to exact revenge for their lost territory over the coming weeks. 尽管圣殿骑士团势力有所削弱,但仍可能在未来数周就失地发起反攻。 [02:31.60]Bosnia's security minister has blamed excessive police force for the outbreaks of violent unrest on Friday in which nearly 200 people were hurt. 波斯尼亚安全部长将周五发生的暴力动乱归咎于警力过多,这次事件中有近200人受伤。 [02:40.53]Demonstrators in several towns across the country ransacked and burned government buildings. 该国几个城市的游行者洗劫并烧毁了政府大楼, [02:45.59]Fahrudin Radoncic told the BBC that the largest party in government, Fahrudin Radoncic告诉BBC, [02:49.70]the SDP bore ultimate responsibility for what happened and for the protesters' complaints about corruption and high unemployment. 政府最大党SDP要对事件负最大责任,并对抗议者的腐败和高失业率抱怨负责。 [02:57.48]World News from the BBC BBC世界新闻。 [03:00.27]Princess Christina of Spain, the youngest daughter of King Juan Carlos has spent 5 hours in a court in Mallorca answering questions over allegations of fraud. 西班牙胡安·卡洛斯一世最小女儿克里斯蒂娜公主在马略卡岛法院出席5个小时回答所谓的诈骗指控。 [03:09.41]It's the first time that a member of the Spanish royal family has appeared in court. 这是西班牙王室成员首次出现在法庭上, [03:13.61]Hundreds of protesters chanting republican and anti-corruption slogans demonstrated nearby. 附近有数百名抗议者高呼共和和反腐口号。 [03:19.34]The Princess who denies wrongdoing has been investigated over the business dealings of her husband. 公主否认有罪行,她已因丈夫的生意接受调查。 [03:24.79]At least 15 Muslim pilgrims have died in the Saudi holy city of Madinah when a fire broke out in their hotel, 在沙特圣城麦地那,至少15名穆斯林朝圣者因所住酒店失火丧生, [03:32.24]around 130 others have been injured, mostly due to smoke inhalation. 另外130人受伤,大多是因为吸入烟气。 [03:36.66]An investigation is underway to identify the cause of the fire. 目前已就火灾原因展开调查。 [03:40.03]Police in Russia have detained 40 people who were protesting in support of a television station in Moscow. 俄罗斯警方逮捕游行支持莫斯科一家电视台的40名示威者, [03:46.15]The demonstrators had gathered near the Kremlin to show their support for TV Rain, 他们聚集在克里姆林宫附近表示支持独立新闻频道TV Rain, [03:50.90]an independent news channel which says it's coming under press from the authorities. 这家电视台声称当局对其施压。 [03:54.97]They had no placards or slogans, 游行者没有标牌,也没有口号, [03:57.27]but as they opened umbrellas in support of the channel, the police moved in to stop what they described as anunsanctioned protest. 但当他们打开伞表示支持该频道时,警方前来阻止这场所谓未经授权的抗议。 [04:04.12]Norway's Ole Einar Bjoerndalen has equaled the record for the most medals won at the Winter Olympics by winning the men's biathlon 10km sprint in Sochi. 挪威的奥利-艾因那尔-比约达兰在索契冬奥会上赢得男子滑雪10km冲刺,成为获得奖牌最多的运动员。 [04:14.16]Forty-year-old Bjoernalen took his tally to 12 Olympic medals. 40岁的Bjoernalen获得12枚奥运奖牌。 [04:18.15]Sven Kramer of the Netherlands has won the men's 5,000 meters speed skating, setting an Olympic record. 荷兰的斯文·克拉默赢得男子5000米速度滑雪,创下奥运纪录。 [04:24.73]“The defending Olympic champion nearly comes, Sven Kramer now, looking for a line, and he hits the line. “奥运卫冕冠军来了,他就是斯文·克拉默,看终点线,他过了终点线。 [04:32.26]Now on the time 6'10.76,a new Olympic record, Kramer has put the marquee down and put it down big time what a skate that was.” 时间是6'10.76,他创下新的奥运纪录,克拉默简直太棒了!” [04:46.97]Meanwhile, in the women's moguls skiing event, two Canadian sisters took the top prizes. 同时,在女子滑雪项目中,两名加拿大姐妹夺得最高奖。 [04:52.34]Justine Dufour-Lapointe won gold and her older sister Chloe won silver. BBC News 朱斯蒂娜·杜福尔·拉普安特夺得金牌,她的姐姐克洛伊获得金牌。BBC新闻。