[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.13]Bruce Lee was renowned for doing his own stunts 李小龙的功夫受到大家的赞誉 [00:03.00]but would fight against stuntmen in his films. 但在电影里他会和替身演员动真格 [00:05.58]Jackey Chan began his film career as a stuntman in Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon. 成龙的出道影片是"精武门"和"龙争虎斗"的替身演员 [00:10.32]He found that Lee's quest for realism came with a price. 他发现李小龙对真实的追求让自己也有所付出 [00:14.16]He threw one stick right on, right on my head. 他的棒子打到我右 右额角 [00:20.57]I just ... Aah, I do the reaction drop, do nothing and bang, fall down, 我只是... 啊 我手松开 没反抗 接着 砰 倒地上 [00:26.03]but he just bang, do whatever he liked to do, finished it, run away then cut. 但是他 砰地 继续出手 完成动作 走开 接着拍摄完成 [00:33.05]Bruce Lee was uncompromising in his attempts to get realistic fight scenes. 李小龙要求打斗场面的真实很坚定 [00:36.53]But he was sympathetic for his stuntmen. 但又爱惜替身演员 [00:42.02]I just hear 'oh my god' and probably some dirty word some like a shoo, you know. 我只听到'哦 天啊'还有一句像是骂人的话 像见鬼 [00:49.58]Drop the stick, run to me and pulled me up 'I'm terribly sorry'. 丢掉棒子 跑过来 扶我起来'我很抱歉' [00:54.25]I said 'I'm okay, I'm okay. 我说'我没事 我没事' [00:55.53]You know I'm okay. 当然我会没事 [00:57.04]I'm a stunt guy, never say hurt. 我是武打演员 从来不会叫疼 [00:59.50]I'm okay, no, no, no. 我没事 真没事 [01:01.18]And he touch me, kiss my face, you know he just do whatever but I really get hurt. 他抚着我 亲我的脸 做他认为该做的 但是我真伤到了