[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.43]Today decades after becoming an unlikely star in Hong Kong, 几十年过去了 曾经的名不见经传 [00:05.01]Bruce Lee is now embraced as an icon for all of China. 到现在被称作心中的偶像 [00:09.06]In recognition of his contribution to Chinese culture, 为了感谢他对中国文化作出的贡献 [00:12.14]the authorities there are opening a $25 million memorial park 当局斥资2500万美元在李小龙的故居 [00:16.12]near Bruce Lee 's ancestral home of Shunde. 顺德兴修了一座主题纪念公园 [00:18.22]You know, it is the ancestral home of my family, 那是我家的祖屋 [00:22.26]so I've always wanted to go and... 所以我很想回去看看 [00:24.12]and see that just from a historical point of view. 以历史的眼光去看看 [00:26.46]And it's a very interesting trip for me, 这次旅行对我而言真是意义非凡 [00:29.32]because I've never actually crossed the border from Hong Kong into China. 因为我从未从香港回到过大陆 [00:34.19]So this is my first time going there, 这真的是第一次 [00:35.52]traveling by bus, and I'm just really excited to see it. 坐汽车去的 我激动得要死 [00:39.46]Also to see what they have, you know, from my father there. 也为了看看父亲家乡的样子 [00:43.52]Before Shannon visits the memorial park, 在参观主题纪念公园之前 [00:46.17]she's been invited to see her grandfather's house 李香凝被邀请去参观祖父的房子 [00:48.58]to take part in a traditional incense burning ceremony. 并且行了烧香祭拜之礼 [01:03.40]Word has spread of Shannon's visit, and the whole town turns out to welcome her. 李香凝要来的消息使得整个小镇热闹非凡 [01:09.23]Thank you so much. 太感谢了 [01:11.29]Complete with a nunchaku-spinning Bruce Lee look-alike. 还专门有人打扮成李小龙表演双节棍 [01:17.16]The park is spread over 1.9 million square meters. 这个公园占地190万平方米 [01:21.12]As well as a museum, it will eventually host an 18-meter high statue of Bruce Lee. 除了博物馆 里面还矗立着一尊高18米的李小龙雕像 [01:27.37]For decades, the Chinese government banned Bruce Lee 's films. 一直以来 大陆都禁播李小龙的电影 [01:31.14]But as attitudes towards free enterprise and individualism have softened, 伴随着对于自由主义和个人主义的态度转变 [01:35.16]they've realized that Bruce Lee is an ideal icon for the new China. 他们才意识到李小龙才是新中国最理想的偶像