[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]At the beginning of the film, 在电影一开头 [00:01.12]the sign saying "Dong Ya Bing Fu", "Sick Man of Asia" and he comes back,\Nthere's this whole thing where they give him 所有一切都起因于那块日本人 [00:05.27]and he says, "Hong Kong people"... 独自将牌匾送了回去 还说 "香港人... [00:06.59]Chinese people are not the sick man of Asia, 中国人不是东亚病夫" [00:08.40]and I think Hong Kong people were like, "Hong Kong people are not sick man", 他认为香港人要像真正的香港人 [00:12.49]they took the message... 人们听了这话 [00:13.18]they took that message to heart, and they cheered him on. 都把它记到了心里 他们为他欢呼 [00:17.09]He was really like the prodigal son returning back 他是一个香港社会 [00:20.23]to be embraced by Hong Kong as a community. 欣然接受的海外游子 [00:23.38]But I think that his... his place was, 但是 我认为他的立场是 [00:25.52]he was part of a movement to create an indigenous identity 他帮土生土长的香港人树立起了本该有的民族归属感 [00:30.12]for Hong Kong people, and I think that identity continues to this day. 我认为这种民族归属感直到今天还依旧存在 [00:33.17]China in the early 70's was caught up in the Cultural Revolution, 早在20世纪70年代 中国还处在文化大革命时期 [00:36.46]which was a hideous, hideous bloody interlude in modern Chinese history 那个充满着血雨腥风和丑陋龌龊的年代 [00:41.05]where hundreds of thousands of people died. 成千上万的无辜者枉死 [00:43.49]Children turned on their parents. 孩子批斗父母 [00:45.08]It was awful. 太可怕了 [00:46.02]And you had people running away from China, 很多人从中国大陆逃到香港 [00:48.21]fleeing to Hong Kong and saying, "our country is drowning in blood" 呼喊着"我们的国家正处在水深火热之中" [00:51.51]people couldn't be proud of that China. 人们没法以中国为荣 [00:54.24]So instead they were proud of this mythological China, 所以人们就只好将希望寄托在中国的古老神话中 [00:56.40]and the place that mythological China came from were movies. 而这古老的神话又植根于电影 [01:00.11]It was like buying a ticket to a movie theater 买张电影票去电影院 [01:03.33]was like getting a passport to what you knew was... in your heart was the real China. 就像拿着护照去自己心中的理想中国一样 [01:07.59]And that was one of the things that Bruce Lee saw. 这就是李小龙创造的世外桃源