[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01.35]Film producer Raymond Chow was Bruce Lee 's friend and business partner. 电影制作人邹文怀是李小龙的朋友兼生意伙伴 [00:06.00]As head of Golden Harvest studios, 作为嘉禾的老总 [00:08.05]he was the biggest film producer in Hong Kong. 他是香港最大的电影制作人 [00:10.56]Now aged 80, he stopped doing interviews some time ago 现在已80高龄的他一直以来都谢绝采访和面谈 [00:14.38]but has arranged to make an exception for Shannon, the daughter 但这次却例外地安排了和李香凝的会面 [00:17.46]of a man he first saw on a television talk show nearly 40 years ago. 这个他40年前曾经在一次脱口秀节目上有过一面之缘的小女孩 [00:22.24]It's a fateful evening that I watched that, 也许是命中注定让我那晚认识了他 [00:25.11]so I decided to call him first thing in the morning. 所以我决定第二天一早就给他打电话 [00:29.13]And I would say that's the beginning of something important in the movie industry. 然后我们聊了很多关于电影产业发展的事 [00:36.27]Bruce Lee changed the way actors were treated by studios by negotiating his own contract 通过合约的谈判 李小龙改变了作为演员所要面对的条条框框 [00:41.48]and taking a creative role in the writing, producing, directing, and choreography of his films. 从而扮演了一个集编剧 监制 导演和武术指导于一身的新角色 [00:47.51]You and my father had kind of an interesting and 您和我父亲都有兴趣 [00:52.01]revolutionary relationship for the Hong Kong film industry, right? 去改变香港电影产业结构 对吗? [00:55.50]Yes. 是的 [00:56.24]I think that's the only fair way to do it, 我认为这是最应该做的 [01:00.04]and it avoid a lot of problems of negotiating things, 这样避免了谈判中可能出现的许多问题 [01:07.11]and Bruce and I were... relationship was so close. 而且最重要的是小龙和我的关系变得更紧密了 [01:12.01]He didn't want to have that. 他本不想那么做的 [01:14.28]I didn't want to have that. 我也不想