[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01.50]As well as studying the science of human movement, Bruce Lee also designed his weight equipment built by a close friend. 研习人体运动学的同时 李小龙还自己设计举重设备 并托密友制作 [00:10.55]George Lee made a couple of things for him that were specifically to develop grip strength and the size of Bruce's forearm. 乔治 李为李小龙量身打造了一些设备 旨在锻炼他的握力以及前臂肌群 [00:17.14]Bruce thought that that led to an increasing in punching power. 小龙觉得这能提高出拳力度 [00:20.33]But one was a grip that you clench fist open shut to work to forearm muscles. 但其一就是一种夹具 通过拳头松握来锻炼前臂肌群 [00:27.32]It's actually a lot like the stuff you see in sporting goods stores now. 就是现在很多体育用品店卖的那种 [00:31.43]Bruce Lee's training regiment helped him reach high level of stamina, speed and agility. 李小龙的严格训练将他的体力 速度以及灵活性都提升到了新的高度 [00:37.41]It allowed him to perform feats of superhuman strength 他也因此能展现出超人的力量 [00:41.17]such as two-fingered push-ups seen here in rare archive footage from a karate tournament in 1967. 1967年一次空手道大赛中的罕见录像中 可以看到他表演的二指俯卧撑 [00:49.46]He also perfected a super fast and powerful blow, known as the one-inch punch. 他还完善了一种快速且有力的拳法 即寸拳 [00:58.04]This guy was... was probably the fastest person I've ever seen, 这家伙... 估计是我见过动作最快的了 [01:03.01]and he had that strength that, I mean, you... the one-inch punch, for instance. 瞧他那力气 就比如说寸拳吧 [01:06.49]He will knock you clear across the room. 能让你退上好几步 [01:09.02]Lee's speed was legendary. 李小龙速度无双 [01:11.08]Even when slow down to 1/4 speed, his strike is still hard to capture on camera. 即使减到1/4帧速度 相机还是很难捕捉到他出拳的镜头 [01:16.55]He could stand 5 feet away from you and leap in there and tap you on your face and be back here standing 他能站在离你5英尺远处 然后在你有任何反应之前 [01:22.51]before you could move, before you could intercept it. 一记殿步边腿踢到你脸上 [01:26.22]And every time, they'd say, "well, wait a minute. I wasn't ready." 每次他们都得说 "慢点 我还没好" [01:29.28]And he'd do it about two more times, and they'd say, "Oh, hell!" You know, "I can't put up with that," you know. 然后小龙又重复了两遍 他们又抱怨了 "哦 天啊! 我受不了啦!"