[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]Mixed martial art is now one of the fastest growing sports in the world. 综合格斗是现今世界上发展最迅速的体育运动之一 [00:06.21]This UFC heavyweight title fight where Randy Couture famously lost his crown to Brock Lesnar 终极格斗重量级拳王争夺战中 Randy Couture对Brock Lesnar那酣畅淋漓的一败 [00:11.08]was one of the biggest pay-per-view events of the year. 无疑是当年最劲爆的报纸头条之一 [00:15.10]It attracted more than a million viewers and generated more than 50 million dollars in sales. 本场比赛吸引了一百多万人的眼球 创收多达5千万 [00:20.55]Bruce Lee's influence on the sport is acknowledged by many of the fighters. 李小龙对该项运动的影响已被无数格斗家所承认 [00:25.21]I've been watching his movies, studying his martial art and philosophy since I was like 8 to 10 years old. 我在8岁或10岁的时候 就开始看他的电影了 并且修习截拳道和他的哲学理念 [00:31.31]And it completely changed my entire aspect on fighting. 截拳道也彻底改变了我对搏击的理解 [00:36.21]Once again it's Bruce Lee's focus on economy, simplicity, and directness that clicks with UFC fighters. 同样是李小龙简约 简单以及直接的理念激活了终极格斗家 [00:44.21]What Bruce Lee used to do was work on circular movement. 李小龙经常用到圆周运动 [00:46.57]So if that jab came, he'd work things like this so he's opening up targets here. 所以当拳头过来时 他会这样消去劲力 而对手这边也就空了 [00:52.33]In kickboxing nowadays, or MMA, we're doing the same kind of motions, only we're just limiting here so that we're... our body is still open. 现代自由搏击或者综合格斗中 我们也有同样的动作 我们只是拦截拳头 然后就下潜进去了 [01:00.37]So I can do things like taking people down, or I can parry that punch to throw a kick. 我可以摔他 或者躲开对方拳头 然后一记边腿 [01:05.55]But it's the same basic principle of redirecting motion. 万变不离其宗 同样是连消带打 [01:09.42]He said that if you can't do something live, it's pointless. 他认为如果不能进行实战 格斗也就毫无意义 [01:13.15]So what I need to do is taking those tactics and those techniques, 我要做的是学习那些方法或技术 [01:16.46]remove them, and put them in a live training scenario, sparring. 然后忘记所有技巧 并将其用于训练以及实战 [01:20.34]And you have to learn what is gonna work in these different scenarios, 还得学会不同场景下什么最有效 [01:24.23]and be able to employ that right away, without thinking, muscle memories. 并能学以致用 要能迅速反应 不假思索 仅凭肌肉记忆