[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.22]The issue here is how to prod members to make a greater effort. 现在的问题是怎样激励员工更努力地工作。 [00:04.00]The issue here is that the prices for crucial raw materials keep soaring. 现在的问题是关键原材料的价格在不断飙升。 [00:09.29]The issue here is that our security system has been hacked. 现在的问题是我们的安全系统被黑了。 [00:16.39]The question we are facing is whether or not we need new leadership for our company. 我们现在面临的问题是公司是否需要新的领导。 [00:20.35]The problem at hand is that our employees are resisting changes. 当前的问题是我们的员工抗拒变化。 [00:26.49]The thing is that we are not a market leader. 问题在于我们不是市场领导者。