[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.11]15. Film is Giving Way to TV 电影让位于电视 [00:16.52]There is a common phenomenon in our daily lives, during the period from 1975 to 1985, 在日常生活中有这样一个普遍现象,那就是从1975年到1985年, [00:27.00]film goers declined dramatically from 85,000 to about 12,000, while TV-watchers sprung up from 5,000 to 100,000. 去电影院看电影的观众从85,000骤减到12,000,而电视观众则从5,000激增到100,000。 [00:39.17]As to the reasons, we may consider the following aspects. 我们可以从以下方面考虑该现象的原因。 [00:43.41]With the popularity of TV in our households, more and more people want one because of its cheapness and convenience; 随着电视在家庭的普及,越来越多观众被它的廉价和方便所吸引; [00:53.29]on the other hand, TV programs can offer us more options at the same time. 另一方面,电视节目给观众提供了更多选择。 [00:59.12]Nevertheless, films have not fully give their way, some people still prefer going to the cinema. 然而,电影并没有被完全取代,仍有人坚持去电影院看电影。 [01:05.45]They feel the audio-visual effects offered in the cinema is a permanent temptation. 对于他们来说,电影院的音响效果是永远吸引他们的地方