[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]10. My Views of the Ban on Firecrackers 我对禁放鞭炮的看法 [00:17.37]Most of us may still hold a happy memory in our minds: when we were young, 我们许多人脑海里仍然残留着这个美好的回忆: [00:22.43]the Spring Festival was celebrated with the company of the flaming sparks and the loud explosions of firecrackers. 童年时的春节是在鞭炮闪闪的火花和轰隆隆的爆炸声中度过的。 [00:30.34]But because of the numerous disasters caused by them, governments in some big cities have completely banned the firecrackers in the downtown areas. 但是由于鞭炮所带来的无尽的灾难,许多大城市已经禁止在城区燃放鞭炮。 [00:42.29]Some people are sad about this decision. They argue that they will lose the tradition of the Spring Festival. 对于这个决定,有的人非常难过,他们认为这样会失去春节的传统。 [00:50.30]Regardless of the fires and the damage to human bodies caused by firecrackers, they only focus on the pleasure firecrackers can bring about. 他们不考虑鞭炮所带来的火灾和对人体的伤害,一味地强调鞭炮所带来的乐趣。 [01:01.15]With the development of the modern society, more and more changes will take place in our lives, 随着现代社会的发展,我们的生活会发生越来越多的变化, [01:07.32]some of which may be great challenges against the traditions, 其中一些变化对我们的传统提出了挑战, [01:11.37]but we should support the government's policy under the consideration of the whole society. 但是,我们应支持政府出于全社会利益而制定的政策。 [01:17.30]What's more, upon stepping into the new century we should celebrate the Spring Festival in a more civilized way . 并且,在步入新世纪之际,我们应该采取更加文明的方式来庆祝春节