[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:01.10]Look Benny, spoon. Spoon. Come on! All right, y'know what I think he's bored. 小班,你看,汤匙,汤匙!我看他觉得很无聊。 [00:11.70]Here. Ben, do you wanna play the airplane game, do you wanna show Rachel? Come here. We're gonna do something fun. Okay. Weee!! Weee!! 来,要不要玩坐飞机?要不要玩给瑞秋看? 过来,你想玩好玩的?好。 [00:29.73]Who's so brave, you're so brave, yes you are, you're so brave. 你最勇敢了,最最勇敢了 [00:33.91]Okay. Okay honey, he's fine, he's fine, let's just put him down. Come here, Ben. See that's a good boy. How could you do that to him!! Ross trusted me, what is he going to say?! 没事了,他没事,把他放下,宝贝,过来,你好乖。你怎么可以撞到他?罗斯很信任我,他会怎么说? [00:44.68]He's not gonna say anything, because we're not gonna tell him. 不会的,我们不会告诉他 [00:46.91]We're not?!No we're not. 不会吗?不会 [00:48.22]All right, I like that. 这样好 [00:51.23]Okay.So we're okay, we're okay, we're okay, aren't we? No, we're not okay, we're not okay, there's a bump, there's a bump. 你没事,你没事对吧?不,你有事,这里肿起来了,肿起来了。 [00:57.46]Oh my God! Well push it in! Push it in! 天哪,把它压下去。 [01:00.21]I cannot push it in! 我不能把它压下去! [01:03.79]Okay, we're gonna need a distraction. 好,我们得分散注意力。 [01:06.61]Okay, okay, okay. 好 [01:07.41]I got it! 我知道了 [01:08.32]Okay.The second that Ross walks in that door, I want you take him back to your bedroom and do whatever it is that you do that makes him go, rweee!! 罗斯一走进来,你就拉他进房间使出浑身解数让他快活。 [01:17.48]Or. We could put a hat on his head. 或者……我们也可以帮他戴帽子 [01:22.86]A hat! Yes! We need a hat. We need a hat. 帽子!没错,我们需要帽子。 [01:25.74]Where are we gonna find a tiny little hat? 要去哪里找小帽子? [01:27.57]Oh, oh, oh, I'll get 'Rainy Day Bear'!! 我去拿雨天小熊 [01:28.70]Because he'll know what to do? Oh my God, you're a genius! 因为他有办法?天哪,你真是天才 [01:32.30]Oh God, oh God, it's sowed on though. 好像缝死了 [01:36.09]Give it. Give it. Okay. 拿来……好 [01:41.77]Oh!!Oh, it's just like a bloodbath in here today. 今天这里真是血腥啊!