[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:04]You need stitches. 你得缝针 [00:01:01]My shoulders just got hurt. 我肩膀受伤了 [00:02:12]You hit your head. 你撞到头了 [00:04:21]Emily, stay with us. How did you hurt your shoulder? 艾米丽 挺住 你肩膀怎么受伤的 [00:06:02]Everybody back to the pool area. Please get back. 大家都回到泳池 请回去 [00:10:04]Can I just-- 我可不可以 [00:10:28]Not now, Paige. Later. 现在不行 佩奇 一会儿吧 [00:12:02]How did you hurt your shoulder? 你怎么伤到肩膀的 [00:15:23]Fell off my bike. 从单车上摔下来了 [00:17:38]Can I please finish the race? Please? 我能完成比赛吗 拜托 [00:19:50]How are we supposed to trust anything that she ever says? 我们怎么能相信她的话 [00:24:12]I mean, who knows what she told those cops? 谁知道她跟警察说过什么 [00:25:57]This is Mona. She started lying when she was a fetus. 这可是梦娜 她生下来就开始撒谎 [00:29:03]Hey, why was Toby so upset when he left? 托比刚才走的时候怎么那么低落 [00:31:52]Were you guys fighting? 你们吵架了吗 [00:32:45]No. No. Go back to the fetus. 没有 接着说撒谎精 [00:34:00]Did I tell you I'm done with martial arts? 跟你说了吗 我不学武术了 [00:35:47]Yeah. I can't even walk down that street. I kissed him. 我甚至不敢去那条街 我吻了他 [00:38:33]Who? My instructor. 谁啊 我的教练 [00:40:01]Why? I don't know. 为什么 我也不知道 [00:41:10]I guess 'cause I miss Ezra 我估计因为想念以斯拉 [00:41:57]and I almost got killed last Thursday. 上周四又差点儿被杀 [00:43:37]And he smells like cinnamon. 还有他身上有股肉桂味儿 [00:44:53]Who does? Jake. 那是谁 杰克 [00:46:39]Who's jake? My instructor. 杰克是谁 我教练 [00:48:13]Pay attention. 注意听我讲话 [00:50:29]Thanks for returning my calls. 真是要多谢你回我电话啊 [00:52:07]Where did you get that? 你从哪找来的这只鸟 [00:54:31]Mrs. Dilaurentis's porch. 迪劳伦提斯夫人的走廊 [00:55:43]You stole her bird? She gave it to me. 你偷了她的鸟吗 是她给我的 [00:58:26]And it's not just a bird, okay? It talks. 而且这不是普通的鸟 它会说话 [01:01:01]Alison and Tippi were roommates in Georgia. 艾莉森在乔治亚的时候和蒂皮一起住 [01:02:47]This bird probably knows more about 说不定这只鸟对艾莉的了解 [01:04:02]what happened to Ali than any of us. 比我们任何一个人都多