[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]Electrons move through graphene...Act as if they have no mass... 单层石墨上的电子...没有显示出质量反应... [00:08.53]How long has he been stuck? 他有多久没开窍了? [00:11.44]Intellectually about 30 hours. Emotionally about 29 years. 智商上讲三十个小时了。就情商而言二十九年。 [00:15.23]Unit cell contains two carbon atoms... Interior angle of hexagon is 120 degrees. 单位晶格有两个碳原子...六边形内角为120度。 [00:22.22]Have you tried rebooting him? 你有没想过重启他? [00:32.02]No, I think it's a firmware problem. 没,我觉得是硬件出问题。 [00:33.35]Hey, it's Disco Night at the Moonlight Roller Rink in Glendale tonight. Who's up for getting down? 嘿,今晚Glendale的月光旱冰场举行迪斯科之夜。谁要去啊? [00:40.37]That's perfect.Bernadette's been hocking me to take her roller skating. 哇真好。Bernadette老缠着我去滑冰呢。 [00:46.02]I think Penny likes to skate.The four of us could double. 我觉得Penny也喜欢滑冰。我们四个凑足两双了。 [00:48.42]What could be better? We're in. 还能更好吗? 我们去定了。 [00:50.05]Great. It's not like I brought it up because I wanted to go. 好啊。如果我不想去我会提出来吗。 [00:52.51]You can come with us. 你可以一起来的。 [00:57.47]No, it's okay. I don't have to go. I'm happy just to guide you and your ladies to suitable entertainment choices. I'm a walking brown yelp.com. 不了,没关系。没必要去。我很高兴给你们和你们的女士找了点好乐子。我就是个活生生的印度大众点评网。 [01:04.47]Structure, constant structure. One atom... 结构,常态结构。一个原子... [01:10.31]Boy, he's really gone, isn't he? 伙计,他着魔了,对吧? [01:13.16]Yeah, this morning he used a stick of butter as the odorant. 是啊,早上他还拿黄油当香水来着。 [01:17.40]I thought I smelled popcorn. 我就说怎么有股爆米花味儿。 [01:19.38]Pattern is the same as fermions... Travels on the pathways... Hexagonal... It's always hexagonal... 费密子的轨迹...都是一样的...碳六边形... 一直是六边形... [01:26.30]I haven't seen him this stuck since he tried to figure out the third Matrix movie. 除了那次看黑客帝国三我从没见他这么出窍过。 [01:30.54]Hey, those are my lima beans! 嘿,别动我豆子! [01:36.20]Not lima beans, carbon atoms. 不是豆子,是碳原子。 [01:38.39]But if I don't eat my lima beans, I can't have my cookie. 但如果不吃豆子,我就吃不下曲奇。 [01:41.58]Here, you want my peas? 这儿,你要豆子吗? [01:44.32]The peas... perfect. They can be electrons. 豆子... 好极了。它们可以作电子。 [01:46.45]My corn? 我的玉米? [01:48.54]Don't be ridiculous. What would I do with corn? 别闹了。我拿玉米做什么呢? [01:55.05]So roller skating... should we all have a bite to eat first? 那么滑冰的事... 我们先在哪吃饭呢? [01:58.10]Good. P.F. Chang's? My mom has coupons. 好啊。那家华馆如何? 我妈有优惠券。 [02:00.10]Great. Your mom's not coming, right? 好。你妈不来吧? [02:04.08]Not this time, I promise. 这次不会了,我保证。 [02:05.21]Okay, just to be clear, roller skating was my idea, And I'm very unhappy that you turned it into a double date, And I hope you both fall on your asses, And break your coccyxes. 好吧,说明一下,是我说要去滑冰的,我很不爽你们把这搞成双双约会,我巴不得你们摔得四脚朝天,弄断尾椎。 [02:18.39]The plural of coccyx is coccyges. 尾椎的复数不是这么拼的。 [02:20.41]Screw you. Give me back my lima beans. 去你的。还我的豆子来。