[00:00.00]BBC News with Sue Montgomery 苏·蒙哥马利为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.42]Barack Obama and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani have spoken by telephone in the first direct contact between US and Iranian presidents since Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979. 巴拉克·奥巴马和伊朗总统哈桑·鲁哈尼进行电话交谈,这是自1979年伊朗伊斯兰革命以来美伊总统首次直接联系。 [00:18.41]“Just now I spoke on the phone with President Rouhani of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 刚刚我和伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统鲁哈尼进行了电话交谈, [00:24.08]The two of us discussed our ongoing efforts to reach an agreement over Iran’s nuclear programme. 我们谈论了目前为就伊朗核项目达成协议而做出的努力。 [00:30.86]I reiterated to President Rouhani what I said in New York-- 我向总统鲁哈尼反复强调了我在纽约的讲话, [00:34.76]while there will surely be important obstacles to moving forward and success is by no means guaranteed, I believe we can reach a comprehensive solution.” 尽管前方还有重大障碍,不能保证一定会取得成功,但我相信会达成综合性解决方案的。 [00:46.32]Mr Rouhani has said the atmosphere between Iran and the US is quite different from the past. 鲁哈尼说,如今伊朗和美国之间的关系已和过去有很大不同。 [00:52.22]At a news conference at the end of his four-day visit to the UN General Assembly in New York, 在结束对纽约联合国总部为期4天访问的新闻发布会上, [00:57.45]he said that talks on Iran’s nuclear programme between his foreign minister and the US secretary of state were very positive and hopeful. 鲁哈尼说,伊朗外长和美国国务卿有关伊朗核项目的谈判是积极的、充满希望的。 [01:04.89]Mr Rouhani said he had not met President Obama because there wasn’t enough time to prepare for the meeting, which after 35 years of tension would, he said, bring its own complications. 鲁哈尼说之所以没有和奥巴马见面,是因为没有足够的时间来准备这次会面,他说经过了35年的紧张局面,情况比较复杂。 [01:16.51]The BBC has established from senior security sources that in the weeks leading up to the attack on the Westgate shopping mall in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, militants rented a shop in the building. BBC从安全部门那里得到消息,在肯尼亚首都内罗毕西门购物中心发生袭击案的前几周,武装分子在大楼里租下一个店铺。 [01:28.88]Earlier senior security officials were summoned to appear before the Kenyan parliamentary defence committee. Karen Allen reports from Nairobi. 早些时候,安全部队官员被传唤出现在肯尼亚议会国防委员会面前。凯伦·阿伦在内罗毕报道。 [01:37.01]As well as the lapses in the security system which appeared to have paved the way for last Saturday’s devastating attack, 安全系统的过失显然为上周六的致命袭击做好了准备, [01:43.89]MPs want to understand the detail of the rescue operation amid claims of confusion over who was in charge. 议员们希望了解援救工作的更多细节。 [01:50.83]It comes as a BBC investigation has revealed that the Islamist extremists hired a shop in the prestigious Westgate mall using falsified documents and were able to stockpile weapons, allowing them to resupply during the attack. BBC调查表明,这些伊斯兰极端分子利用伪造文件在著名的西门商场租下店铺,用来存放武器,从而能在袭击中提供装备。 [02:05.63]They used a ventilation shaft as a hiding place and base during the deadly siege. 在致命围攻中,他们利用通风井作为藏身地和基地。 [02:10.61]Thousands of people have demonstrated in cities across Sudan as unrest continues over the government’s decision to cut fuel subsidies. 苏丹政府决定削减燃油补贴的决定引发动乱,各城市数千人举行了游行。 [02:18.86]The authorities have closed the offices of two international television stations Al Arabiya and Sky News Arabia after complaining about their coverage of the protests. Here’s Mary Harper. 当局先是抱怨两大国际电视台阿拉伯电视台和天空电视阿拉伯语频道报道抗议事件,然后关闭了这两家电视台的办公室。玛丽·哈珀报道。 [02:29.11]Police used teargas to disperse some 2,000 protesters in Sudan’s largest city of Omdurman. 在苏丹最大城市乌姆杜尔曼,警察动用催泪弹驱赶2000多名抗议者。 [02:35.57]It lies just across the river from the capital Khartoum, which was also affected. 该市坐落在从首都喀土穆流过来的一条河上,喀土穆也受到抗议的影响。 [02:40.07]This is the fifth day of demonstrations with some protesters calling for the resignation of President Omar al-Bashir. 游行进行到了第五天,有的抗议者要求总统奥马尔·巴希尔辞职。 [02:46.78]Human rights groups have accused the police of deliberately opening fire on demonstrators. Local activists say more than 180 people have been killed. 人权组织指责警察故意向游行者开火,当地活动人士称有180多人丧生, [02:56.42]The authorities put the figure at 29. BBC News 而当局称只有29人死亡。BBC新闻。 [03:01.68]The international chemical weapons watchdog is meeting to decide a timetable for dismantling Syria’s stockpile. 国际化学武器监督机构召开会议为销毁叙利亚化武储备制定时间表。 [03:08.65]If they agree, experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons could begin work in Syria as early as next Tuesday. 如果各方达成一致,来自禁止化学武器组织的专家将最早于下周二在叙利亚开始工作。 [03:16.60]In a separate meeting in a few hours, the UN Security Council is expected to approve a draft resolution on Syria agreed by the United States and Russia. 在几小时后举行的另一场会议上,联合国安理会有望通过一份经过美国和俄罗斯同意的决议草案。 [03:25.76]Indonesian officials say a boat carrying asylum seekers bound for Australia has sunk off the southern coast of Java, killing more than 20 people. 印尼官方称,一辆载着难民开往澳大利亚的船只在爪哇岛南部海滨沉没,导致20多人丧生, [03:35.33]Many others are missing. A Lebanese woman and her eight children are reported to be among the dead. 另有多人失踪。据悉死者中有一位黎巴嫩妇女和她的八个孩子, [03:40.97]A Lebanese news agency says the woman’s husband survived. 黎巴嫩一家新闻机构称这名妇女的丈夫幸存。 [03:44.75]The sinking comes just days before the new Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is due to visit Jakarta for talks that will focus on stopping the flow of asylum seekers. 几天后澳大利亚新总理托尼·阿博特将访问雅加达,就阻止难民流举行会谈。 [03:54.96]Athletes in Cuba are going to be allowed to keep most of their overseas prize money for the first time. 古巴运动员首次获准保有在海外的奖金, [04:00.75]They’ll also be able to sign contracts with foreign clubs. The new system will come into force next year. Here’s Sarah Rainsford. 他们还可与外国俱乐部签署合约,新制度将于明年生效。Sarah Rainsford报道。 [04:08.11]Ever since Fidel Castro banned professional sport, Cuban athletes have been drilled to compete for their country, not for cash—a nation’s applause was always the greatest reward. 自从菲德尔·卡斯特罗禁止职业体育以后,古巴运动员就只为国家而苦练,而并非为了金钱,国家的掌声通常是最大的奖励。 [04:18.71]But in a major shift, the government has announced it allows athletes to take up professional contracts abroad. 但该国政府最近作出重大改变,宣布允许运动员在国外签署职业合约。 [04:25.55]A slice of their earnings will go to the state—how much isn’t clear yet. 其中部分收入将归国家,具体多少尚不清楚。 [04:29.99]But even so, they’ll be free to earn far more than they have so far here in Cuba. 但即便如此,他们将能比现在在古巴挣的多得多的钱。 [04:34.25]The move seems aimed at stopping so many top athletes leaving the country lured by big-money contracts and opportunities overseas. 此举似乎意在阻止诸多顶级运动员被海外的高薪合约和机会吸引而出国。 [04:42.39]One of the world’s top football stars, Lionel Messi, has appeared along with his father at a court in Spain over allegations that they defrauded the tax authorities of more than 4m euros. 世界顶级足球明星利昂内尔·梅西和父亲一起出现在西班牙法院,他们被控逃税400多万欧元。 [04:53.99]The judge will now decide how to proceed with the charges. BBC News 法官将决定如何处理这些指控。BBC新闻。