[00:03.15]To find the answers, we need to rewind history around 14,000 years to a time when the first people set foot in North America. 为了找到答案,我们需要重新回顾14000年前的历史,那时,第一批人类踏足北美大陆, [00:13.79]The continent was about to undergo a profound change, a change these new arrivals may have played a part in. 而大陆也即将经历一次深刻的变化,这个变化就是由这些新的到访者带来的。 [00:22.42]Throughout the ice age, North America was home to a variety of giant creatures. 在整个冰河时代,北美都遍布各种大型生物。 [00:45.44]But in little more than a thousand years of the first humans' arriving, almost two thirds of the largest animals were extinct. 但是就在人类踏足北美大陆一千年多一些的时间后,二分之三的大型动物都已经灭绝。 [01:00.62]What role did people play in this mass extinction? To learn about their lives, you have to look at the clues they left behind. 大型生物灭绝的范围如此之大,人类在其中起了怎样的作用?想要知道他们的生活,你就必须从他们遗留下来的痕迹中寻找线索。 [01:12.06]Archaeological finds tell us that the first people in North America had an advanced Stone Age technology. 考古学发现告诉我们,北美洲第一批人类具有先进的石器时代的技术。 [01:21.56]They were master of flintknappers meticulously chipping and sharpening pieces of flint to make spears and cutting tools. 他们擅长用打火石精细雕刻,用尖利的碎石片制作长矛以及削制工具。 [01:28.99]From the examples they left behind, it's obvious they were well equipped to hunt. 从他们留下的工具来看,很明显,他们打猎时很好地利用了这些工具。 [01:43.87]And we know from spear points found alongside mammoth remains that these hunters tackled even the biggest beasts on the continent. 从猛犸象化石上的长矛凹痕我们可以看出,这些猎手们甚至可以扑杀北美大陆体型最大的生物。 [01:52.84]Mammoths would have been a prized source of protein, providing enough meat to feed their families for weeks. 猛犸象肉蕴含丰富的蛋白质,扑杀一头,便能喂养他们的家庭数周。 [02:01.24]The hunters probably worked in pairs or small groups. Any mammoth straying from its own herd would have been singled out. 这些猎人们可能几个人一组或多个人一组。任何离群的猛犸象都可以成为他们的猎物。