[00:04:13]I know, it’s gross.Oh,that reminds me. 我知道,太恶心了。哦,我想起来了。 [00:06:12]I still haven't shown you pictures from my summer abroad. 我还没给你看我暑假出国玩的照片。 [00:08:02]Oh,yes,be right back. 是啊,马上回来。 [00:18:55]Well,I know you must not be happy, mother. I remember how unhappy you were when I didn't go and I imagine you came all this way to change Serena’s mind, but she is intractable on this. 妈妈,我知道你肯定不高兴。我还记得我没去的时候你有多生气。我知道你大老远来就为了让Serena改变主意,可她这次很坚定。 [00:22:45]That's not the reason I came. 我不是为这个来的。 [00:26:09]Everything okay? 出什么事了? [00:27:35]Lily, my darling,the,uh...The doctors think they found something. Lily,我亲爱的...... 医生说我有点小毛病。 [00:32:53]Something? What something? 毛病? 怎么回事? [00:35:40]Something in my lungs. 肺部长了点东西 [00:38:00]Oh,no,mom. 哦,不,妈妈。 [00:40:20]Well, they’re... they're running tests, but they said that,uh,it might not be good. Look, I-I didn't want to worry you.I... I don't want to be a burden to you., I... 他们,他们还在做化验,可医生说有点不容乐观。我,我不想吓到你。我,我不想让你有负担,我...... [00:44:38]Oh,no,it's no burden at all. 哦,不,当然不是负担。 [00:49:01]All I want to do is to see my granddaughter make her debut the way I did,the way my mother did before me. 我唯一的希望就是看着我孙女,有个和我一样的成人礼舞会。和我的妈妈一样的。 [00:49:21]Oh,mother,anything for you. 哦,妈妈,任何事都可以。 [00:52:34]What's going on? 怎么回事? [00:59:44]Um,Serena,you're going to the debutante ball. Serena,你必需去参加社交晚会。 [01:01:30]Serena van der Woodsen,looks like your invitation just arrived...with strings attached. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Serena Van Der Woodsen,看起来你的请柬是和绳索一起寄来的。来吧,来吧,你逃不掉的。