[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.06]It was so nice of you to come all the way down to the airport to pick me up. 你真好专程赶来机场接我 [00:03.55]No trouble at all. 没什么。 [00:05.39]I drove, Mother. I'm driving now. 妈,开车的是我。我在开车。 [00:10.48]Yes, dear. Mommy's proud. I've been meaning to thank you for your notes on my paper disproving quantum brain dynamic theory. 没错,亲爱的。我很骄傲。我要感谢你对我那篇反驳大脑量子流理论的论文的批注评论。 [00:18.04]My pleasure. For a nonphysicist, you have a remarkable grasp of how electric dipoles in the brain's water molecules could not possibly form a Bose condensate. 我很荣幸。对于一个非物理学家来说你对大脑水分子中的电偶极子为什么无法形成琥珀色凝结体有着出色的认识。 [00:28.19]Wait, wait, wait. When did you send my mom notes on a paper? 打住,打住。你什么时候寄给我妈那些评论的? [00:32.55]August 16.Right after her carpal tunnel surgery. 8月16号在她刚刚动完腕管手术后。 [00:35.20]Oh, did I thank you for the flowers? 我谢过你送的花了吗? [00:37.21]you did. 谢过了。 [00:38.20]I don't really like flowers. 我不是很喜欢花。 [00:40.53]Neither do I, but it's the social convention. 我也不喜欢,但这是社会习俗。 [00:43.03]It is, isn't it? 不是吗? [00:45.23]Wait, wait, wait. You had surgery? 打住,打住,你动了手术? [00:47.06]Yes, and Sheldon sent me flowers. 是的,而且Sheldon还送花给我。 [00:48.55]No, I heard that. 不是说花,那个我听到了。 [00:50.08]Then what was all that "wait, wait, wait" about? 那你说"等下等下等下"是什么意思? [00:53.28]I just don't understand why he knows more about your life than I do. 我只是不明白为什么他比我更了解你的生活? [00:57.11]Well, I would assume it's because Sheldon and I stay in touch due to mutual interest and respect, while you avoid me, due to unresolved childhood issues. 嗯,我认为这是由于Sheldon和我志同道合且相互尊重因而保持联系的缘故,而你却因为一些童年遗留问题对我敬而远之。 [01:05.48]It's what we think caused your narcissistic personality disorder. We discussed it at length during our last video chat. Although how we got onto the subject of you is baffling. 我们认为那也是你自恋型人格障碍的诱因。我们在上次视频聊天时详细地讨论过这个尽管我已经完全想不起来当时为什么会谈到你的话题。 [01:16.05]Yes, but we are on the subject, so I'm obliged to ask. Leonard, how are you? 既然提到了 那我也不得不问了Leonard 你还好吗? [01:21.44]Fine, Mom. How are you? 很好,妈,你呢? [01:25.26]Mmm, menopausal. 嗯,更年期中。 [01:27.45]Now I'm less fine. 现在我不怎么好了。