[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:03.55]Miss Jin. can you do me a favor? 金小姐,请您帮个忙好吗? [00:08.42]Of course I can, go ahead. 当然可以,请说。 [00:11.32]Can you go to the Front desk and change some money for me? 您能到前台帮我换些钱吗? [00:15.12]All right. 好的。 [00:16.45]It's very kind of you! Thank you. 您太好了。谢谢您! [00:20.29]Excuse me, Would you please tell me the exchange rate for US. dollar today? 打扰了,您可以告诉我今天美元的兑换率吗? [00:25.22]The rate for notes is 8.28 yuan for 1 US. dollar. 每8.28元兑换1美元。 [00:33.45]Could you change some money for me? 您能给我换些钱吗? [00:35.58]Certainly. What kind of currency have you got? 当然。您有哪种货币? [00:39.46]Chinese Yuan. 中国人民币。