[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]Judy, have you ever made out how much money shall we spend? 朱迪,你已经算出来我们要花多少钱了吗? [00:09.45]Oh, yeah. The total amount is no less than 13.000 RMB, according to our itinerary. 噢,是的。李,根据我们的行程宋看,总数不会少于1 3000元。 [00:16.45]What? That's too much. 什么?这么多! [00:19.23]Sit down.I'll show you the list of our financial budget. First of all, it is nearly 4,000 RMB that we should spend in transportation. 先坐下吧。我给你看看我们的预算清单。首先,我们在交通上要花将近4000元。 [00:27.56]Ah, the transportation fee always takes a great part in the budget. 啊,交通费在预算中总会占很大一部分。 [00:32.40]Then we must pay a large amount of money for the hotel. But if we want to save money, we can choose a hotel which is not so good. 然后我们住丰旅馆要花一大笔钱。如果想省钱,我们可以不选择这么好的旅馆。 [00:40.25]Hmm, what I'm fearful of is that the accommodation will also deteriorate once we choose a cheaper hotel. 嗯,但我担心一旦我们选择便宜的旅馆,件宿条件也会跟着变得很差。 [00:48.27]In that case, we can choose the Youth Hotel. It's a good choice, clean and economic. 这样的话,我们可以选择青年旅馆。那是一个不错的选择,干净又经济。