[00:00:52]I'm so excited. 我太兴奋了。 [00:03:17]I will go back to my hometown next week. I'm so excited. 下周我就能回家了,我太兴奋了。 [00:07:27]Really? You must be missing your family very much. 真的吗?你一定很想家吧? [00:10:52]Yeah. I really miss my parents! I haven't seen them for almost two years. 是啊!我真的很想我的父母。我几乎两年没见到他们了。 [00:16:14]I think they miss you too. 我想他们也想你啊! [00:20:09]That's fascinating. 真让人兴奋啊! [00:22:28]My boss gave me a big promotion today. 今天老板给我升职了。 [00:25:34]That's fascinating. 真让人兴奋啊!