[00:00.00]Look at number 760. What are they going to do? [00:04.98]They are going to have breakfast. [00:07.71]Look at Number 870. What are they doing? [00:12.06]They are having lunch. [00:14.68]Look at Number 980. What must they do? [00:19.00]They must have tea. [00:21.37]Look at Number 1,010. What did they do? [00:25.96]They had dinner. [00:27.69]Now you answer the questions. Ready? [00:32.28]Look at number 760. What are they going to do? [00:39.96]They are going to have breakfast. [00:45.14]Look at Number 870. What are they doing? [00:52.86]They are having lunch. [00:56.98]Look at Number 980. What must they do? [01:04.43]They must have tea. [01:07.93]Look at Number 1,010. What did they do? [01:16.86]They had dinner. [01:18.50][01:19.58]Look at Number 1,020. What must they do? [01:25.45]They must have a meal. [01:30.34]Look at Number 1,030. What is Tom going to do? [01:38.57]He is going to have a swim. [01:43.92]Look at Number 1,040. What is he doing? [01:50.56]He is having a bath. [01:56.36]Look at Number 1,050. What did he do? [02:04.39]He had a haircut. [02:09.33]Look at Number 1,060. What are they doing? [02:16.72]They are having a lesson. [02:22.87]Look at Number 1,070. What did they ? [02:30.19]They had a party. [02:35.76]Look at Number 1,080. What must they do? [02:43.15]They must have a holiday. [02:48.90]Look at Number 1,090. What are they going to do? [02:57.42]They are going to have a good time.