[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:01]The alkali fly has special abilities that enable it to live on this lake. 咸水蝇有特殊能力 才能在这片湖泊生存 [00:07:48]It can walk underwater to eat algae. 它能走到水底吃海藻 [00:10:53]Fine hairs trap air bubbles that prevent it from drowning. 纤细的毛发夹住气泡 使它不致溺毙 [00:15:11]But most critically, 但最大的关键 [00:16:46]the fly has a physiology that can neutralise the lethal levels of salt. 在于这种苍蝇的生理机能 可以中和致命的含盐浓度 [00:23:13]So the alkali fly's dominance of Mono Lake goes unchallenged 于是咸水蝇独霸莫诺湖 所向无敌 [00:29:14]except for a few weeks of the year. 每年只有几个星期例外 [00:42:24]100,000 Wilson's phalarope are migrating to South America. 十万只赤斑瓣蹼鹬 要迁徙到南美洲 [00:47:33]Mono Lake is their only stop-over. 莫诺湖是它们唯一的中途站 [00:50:38]These alkali flies, for them, 这些咸水蝇对它们而言 [00:52:47]are an invaluable and irresistible feast. 是无法抗拒的珍贵飨宴 [01:03:19]A fly has no defence, except tofly and become lost in a vast swarm. 苍蝇没有防身武器,只能凑空飞起 隐身在大群苍蝇里 [01:11:47]It needs considerable skill to pluck an individual fly from the air. 要从空中抓一只苍蝇 需要高超的技巧 [01:24:50]There are gulls are here, too. 这里也有海鸥 [01:30:49]Though their fly-catching techniques are not so refined. 只不过它们 捕苍蝇的技巧不甚精练