[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:31]You need some help? 需要帮忙吗 [00:03:21]You know what I hate about arithmetic? 我讨厌算术 [00:05:08]You can't charm your way through it. 这辈子靠它是没指望了 [00:10:20]Well, I'm sure that if anyone could, it'd be you. 我确定要是有人能做到 那一定是你 [00:14:59]Coffee. Coffee solves everything. 来杯咖啡 咖啡能解决一切问题 [00:22:37]I thought that things were 我相信随着新的鬼故事写作 [00:23:39]going okay with the new ghost-writing job. 一切都会好起来的 [00:25:31]It was, and then... 是会好的 而且 [00:27:17]Things changed. 情况有变 [00:28:50]Well, do you have a plan? 那你有什么计划吗 [00:31:27]I need something more than freelancing, that's for sure. 肯定得找个工作 [00:33:36]I was actually thinking about teaching again. 我也考虑过再回去教书 [00:36:58]I liked it. I'm good at it. I'm just... 我喜欢也擅长教书 只是... [00:39:48]not sure. 还不确定 [00:41:45]I know things haven't been fun for you. 我知道你最近也有些烦心事 [00:43:32]Look, you're the one who 你才是那个 [00:45:12]went from zero to daddy in sixty seconds. 突然间从单身汉变成父亲的人 [00:49:45]God, I miss you. 天啊 我好想你 [00:52:26]Why? I'm right here. 怎么了 我就在这儿啊 [00:54:32]No, I know, but I... 我知道 但是我... [00:56:26]I still miss you. 还是好想你