[00:00:01]I have to find this recipe before my dad gets here. 我要在我爸到之前把这个食谱找出来 [00:01:38]Harold Waldorf's famous pumpkin pie. Harold Waldorf出名的南瓜馅饼 [00:04:20]Well, it may have been Bobby Flay's, 好吧 其实那是Bobby Flay的秘方 [00:05:13]but it didn't stop my dad from taking credit for it. 但我爸还是继续靠它辈受夸奖 [00:08:19]It's gonna be perfect! 会很完美的 [00:09:52]Look at you.Quite the chipper sous-chef. 看看你 简直是个欢快的副大厨 [00:12:55]Well, I'm in a good mood. It happens. 好吧 我心情很好 偶尔会这样 [00:15:25]Sometimes 'cause I increase my lexapro, 有时因为我加大了依地普仑的剂量 [00:16:36]sometimes because my dad's in town. 有时是因为我爸爸要回来 [00:18:22]And sometimes, mostly because things are good with a boy. 有时 是因为跟某个男生进展得不错 [00:22:37]You and Nate get back together? 你和Nate复合了 [00:23:43]You mean since gossip girl published pictures of him and some skank? 你是说流言蜚女网站把他和某个骚货鬼混的照片登出来之后 [00:25:58]So that's a no.What's Chuck doing today? 也就是说 还没复合 Chuck今天有什么计划 [00:32:07]Why are you asking me? 这你干嘛问我 [00:34:35]Well, you guys are friends. 恩 你们是朋友啊 [00:36:46]And, Blair, look, you know you can tell me anything. 而且Blair 你知道你什么都可以跟我说 [00:39:31]I'd be the last person to judge anyone. 我是最没资格对别人品头论足的人 [00:41:13]With good reason. 因为你的确不该 [00:44:46]Blair, I saw you with chuck. Blair 我看见你跟Chuck在一起 [00:48:59]I don't know what I was thinking. 我不知道当时自己怎么想的 [00:51:18]I mean, sleeping with him once, 我的意思是 和他上了一次床 [00:53:01]maybe you could understand, but twice? 也许有情可原 可是两次 [00:54:13]Wait.You slept with him? 等等 你和他上床了 [00:56:13]Blair! What happened to no judging? Blair 你不是说不会评价的吗 [00:57:57]I'm not, but I thought you wanted to wait. 我没有那个意思 [00:59:44]I thought you wanted to make things special. 但是我认为你想要保存贞操 我以为你想让一切特别 [01:01:13]Oh, so Nate gets the free pass, and I'm the slut? 哦 所以Nate就可以随便乱来 我的话 就成了荡妇了 [01:04:24]Tell me you didn't sleep with chuck for revenge. 别告诉我 你不是为了报复才和Chuck睡的 [01:07:27]Well, it wasn't because I like his natural musk, and besides, 反正不是因为我喜欢他那德行 况且 [01:11:19]nothing hurts more than sleeping with the best friend, right, S.? 没有比和最好的朋友一起睡更伤人的了 不是吗 [01:14:45]Way to prove a point. 说的太有理了 [01:16:53]Well, I learned from the master. 至少我是跟大师学的 [01:18:08]If you're sleeping with chuck, I'd say the student's become the master. 要是你跟Chuck睡了 我得说你青出于蓝了 [01:21:11]Are you jealous you didn't get to sleep with him first? 你嫉妒了 因为他没先跟你睡 [01:23:42]There had to be somebody left on the upper east side. 东上城肯定还有其他男人嘛 [01:27:09]Blair, darling, are you going to help me at all? Blair 亲爱的 你到底要不要帮我 [01:31:12]Serena, do you know when your mother's arriving? Serena 你知道你妈妈什么时候到吗 [01:34:53]She's not. We're not doing thanksgiving here anymore. 她不会来了 我们不会再在这里过感恩节了 [01:39:27]Why? Because I uninvited them. 为什么 因为我没邀请他们 [01:47:48]Happy holidays, Eleanor. 感恩节快乐 Eleanor