[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.06]Relax, it'll be fine. Sit down, you guys. 好了,没事儿的。坐吧,你们。 [00:05.31]No! No! No! 别,别,别。 [00:05.49]What? 什么啊? [00:09.31]Oh, yeah, you can't sit there. 噢,耶,你不能坐那儿。 [00:11.05]Why not? 为什么? [00:11.48]That's where Sheldon sits. 那是Sheldon的专座。 [00:13.46]He can't sit somewhere else? 他不能坐别的地方吗? [00:16.38]No, no, no you see, in the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator so that he's warm, yet not so close that he sweats. 不,不,不。你看啊,在冬天呢,这个座位与暖气的距离足够让他保持温暖,又不会太近以至于出汗。 [00:22.21]In the summer, it's directly in the path of a crossbreeze created by opening windows there and there.It faces the television at an angle that isn't direct,so he can still talk to everybody, yet not so wide that the picture looks distorted. 而在夏天,这个位置又正好处在由这个和那个窗口之间对流所产生的微风之中。这儿的角度不会直面电视,那样他就能跟其他人交谈同时又不会太偏导致画面失真。 [00:32.30]Perhaps there's hope for you after all. 看来你还是孺子可教嘛。