[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.01]All right, what is your deal? 好了,你打什么如意算盘? [00:02.50]Excuse me? 你说什么? [00:04.45]Inviting my girlfriend to come see your electron accelerator? 邀请我女朋友去看你的电子加速器? [00:08.57]Yeah? So? 啊,怎么啦? [00:10.50]You really are a piece of work. It's not enough you get the prom queen, you have to get the head of the decorating committee, too? 你可真有两下子。舞会皇后被你弄到手,还不满意,你还想抢我的装点头牌呢? [00:19.42]What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢? [00:21.52]Don't play innocent with me. I practically invented using fancy lab equipment to seduce women. 别跟我装纯。这招是我发明的,用神奇实验设备勾引女人。 [00:28.15]Has it ever worked? 成功过吗? [00:31.17]Not so far, but that's not the point! 目前还没有,但是那不是重点! [00:34.06]Howard, relax. I'm not interested in your girlfriend. Howard,放松。我对你女朋友没兴趣。 [00:37.35]I hope not. Because you don't want to mess with me. I'm crazy. 希望如此。因为,你不会想跟我一起瞎搞。我疯了吗? [00:50.59]I believe you. 我相信是的。