[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01:37]"By the time the trial ended, "审讯结束之时 [00:03:15]every person I once trusted 每一个我曾经信任的人 [00:04:43]had turned their back on me. 都弃我而去 [00:05:55]The only remaining option was to find an impartial observer 仅剩的选择是找到一位公正的旁观者 [00:10:14]to tell my story. 将我的事公之于众 [00:12:21]I thought Mason Treadwell would be that person." 我觉得梅森·特德韦尔会是那个人" [00:15:03]You have to understand the scope of the cover-up. 你要明白这个互相包庇的关系网 [00:18:27]We're talking about people on every level-- 涉及到各个阶层人士 [00:20:06]Prosecutors, defense attorneys, friends, 检察官 辩护律师 密友 [00:23:16]coworkers. 以及同僚 [00:24:01]Well, setting aside the logistics of your theory, 先不论你这一说辞的合理性 [00:27:01]why do you think all these people from your everyday life 你认为你身边的这些人 [00:29:33]would turn on you so rampantly? 为什么这么毫不留情地对付你 [00:30:21]Just promises of power, money, 权利 金钱以及 [00:34:03]political favors. 政治利益的诱惑 [00:35:07]I mean, you name it. 凡是你能说出的好处都在其列 [00:35:30]And then when I think those didn't work, 而当这些都不管用的时候 [00:38:34]they used threats. 他们就开始威胁 [00:40:43]Think about it. 好好想想吧 [00:41:14]If they could put me in here, 他们都能把我弄进来 [00:43:33]imagine what else they're capable of. 想想他们还能干出些什么 [00:47:58]Fascinating footage. 有趣的影像资料 [00:49:15]Clarke seems to be utterly convinced 克拉克看上去非常坚定 [00:50:32]that he's telling the truth. 自己说的都是实话 [00:51:26]In his twisted mind, he is. 在他扭曲的精神世界中 的确是的 [00:53:19]The general consensus within the psychiatric community 心理学界有普遍共识 [00:55:41]is advanced pathological narcissism. 精神病就是一种病理性的自恋 [00:57:53]Then no element of his story has been borne out by facts? 他的故事没有一点是基于现实的吗 [01:00:31]Not a shred. 一点都没有