[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:31]I've always been amazed at how you can make 20,000 square feet 我一直惊叹你如何把两万平方英尺 [00:03:39]feel warm and inviting. 布置得温馨又迷人 [00:07:46]Still, wiout Conrad, it feels somehow empty. 不过少了康纳德 还是略感冷清 [00:10:31]Now rumor has it, he's moved in to the Southfork. 据说他搬到南方酒店去了 [00:12:51]And good riddance. 终于摆脱他了 [00:15:07]This is one village that won't miss its idiot. 这里再也不会欢迎他了 [00:17:34]Besides, I didn't bring you here for Conrad. 话说回来 我请你过来不是为康纳德 [00:21:31]I brought you here for Amanda Clarke. 我请你过来是为了阿曼达·克拉克 [00:24:34]Amanda Clarke? Yes. 阿曼达·克拉克 没错 [00:27:03]She's returned to town, and I want you to find out why. 她回镇上来了 我要你去查出原因 [00:30:10]How am I supposed to do that? 这让我怎么查 [00:32:07]You interviewed her after the trial. 你在审讯后采访过她 [00:34:46]Tell her you'd like to talk to her about your memoirs 告诉她 你想为自传跟她聊聊 [00:37:23]as a way of reflecting on the past. 算是对过去的回顾 [00:41:37]I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. 我可能无法心安理得这么做 [00:43:28]Then get comfortable with it. 那想想让你心安理得的理由 [00:44:25]You'd still be covering earnings reports 要不是我 [00:48:50]in the back pages of the "Journal" if it weren't for me. 你现在还在给报纸末版写盈利报告 [00:50:48]Don't forget it. 别忘了 [00:52:52]Trust me, one doesn't easily forget 相信我 任何人都不会轻易忘记 [00:54:28]a deal he's made with the devil. 与魔鬼做的交易 [00:57:03]Fine. I'll talk to her. 好吧 我会和她谈的 [01:03:28]I'm sure the girl is just here to get some closure. 我确信这个女孩只是来了却些心结的 [01:06:04]The question is how far she will go to get it. 关键是她要如何了却这些心结