[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 9: Recess 1 场景 9: 休息1 [00:03.86](After his computer class,Robert gets a fifteen minute break that is called “recess”.) (计算机课后,罗勃特有15分钟的休息时间,叫做“休息”.) [00:10.07]Hey Robert, how were your classes? 罗勃特,你的课怎么样? [00:15.16]They were great.My English teacher, Mr hubbard, gave me a second chance to do my homework, 很好啊.我的英语老师, 哈贝得先生,又给我一次做作业的机会, [00:22.00]and my computer teacher, Ms.Cross, really liked the computer game I made. 还有我的计算机老师,柯若丝小姐,她真的很喜欢我做的电脑游戏. [00:27.37](Billy looks a little sad.) (比利看上去有些悲伤.) [00:30.48]I wish I could say the same. My history teacher hates me. 我希望我能和你一样.我的历史老师讨厌我. [00:34.18]He says he is going to call my dad so I can't play basketball. 他说他要给我的爸爸打电话,那我就不能打篮球了. [00:38.14]Who's your history teacher? 谁是你们的历史老师? [00:41.50]Mr. Cranston. 克云森先生 [00:43.58]Oh yeah. I had him last year. 噢,他去年教我们. [00:47.13]He was really mean. 他说的是真的. [00:49.10]Yes, he still is really mean. 是的,他是说真的. [00:52.86]He knows how much I like sports and still he is going to call my dad. 他知道我有多么喜爱运动,但是他仍然要打电话给我爸. [00:58.13]Maybe not. 也许不会. [00:59.20]What did you mean? 你说什么? [01:02.49]I mean last year I had this same problem. 我的意思是去年我也有同样的问题. [01:06.23]What did you do? 你怎么办的? [01:08.24]I wrote an extra report and he agreed not to call my parents. 我另外写了一份报告,然后他答应我不给我的父母打电话. [01:13.69]Do you think he'll do that for me? 你觉得他会那样对我吗? [01:15.36]I didn't know but you should try. 我不知道但是你应该试一试. [01:19.45]You're right. I'll ask him. 你说的对.我会去问他的. [01:21.47]Hey, let's do talk to some girls. 嗨,我们去和女生聊聊天. [01:25.37]Good idea. 好主意.