[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation9: Going to Lunch 场景9:吃午餐 [00:03.91]Wow, that went pretty well. 噢,进行的挺不错。 [00:08.13]Mr. Barnes was easy today. Barnes先生今天很好对付。 [00:11.21]Easy on you maybe, I don't think he likes me. 大概是对你吧,我认为他不喜欢我 [00:15.29]Don't be ridiculous. 别开玩笑了 [00:17.00]He likes you, but he's a businessman like me and so I know how to talk to him. 他喜欢你,只不过他和我一样是个商人,所以我知道怎样和他交谈。 [00:24.20]I'm no so sure. 我不太确定。 [00:26.19]Well, I'm sure that I'm hungry. 好了,我只确定我现在饿了 [00:29.21]Why don't we continue talking over lunch? 我们为什么不在午餐时候接着谈呢? [00:33.24]That sounds great; I'm starving. 好主意;我快饿死了 [00:36.57](They walk outside the building to a restaurant.) (他们走出大厦去了一家饭馆。 [00:40.19]Do you like Italian food? This place is terrific. 你喜欢意大利菜吗?这一家棒极了。 [00:44.49]Like it? I love it. Let's go in. 喜欢?我特别爱吃。我们进去吧 [00:48.47](They sit down and look at the menu for a while, then the waitress comes.) (他们坐下来看了一会菜谱,然后女侍者过来了。 [00:53.05]What are your specials today? 今天你们有什么特别的? [00:55.21]Today we have roasted lamb and vegetable lasagna. 今天我们有烤羊肉和蔬菜卤汁宽面条。 [01:00.08]I highly recommend the lasagna. 我极力推荐这个卤汁宽面条 [01:04.21]The lasagna sounds good; I'll have that. 这个面条听起来不错,我就要它了。 [01:07.97]And you, sir? 你呢?先生? [01:10.59]No. No vegetable for me, I want some meat. 不。我不要蔬菜,我想要一些肉菜。 [01:15.29]I'll try the lamb, please. 我要试一下这个羊肉。 [01:17.52]Also an excellent choice. 也是最好的选择。 [01:20.49]Would you care for anything to drink? 你们还要一些什么喝的吗? [01:23.45]Yes, I'll have a double martini. 当然。我们要两份马丁尼酒。 [01:27.04]Steve, what about the meeting? Steve, 这个会议怎么样? [01:30.44]Oh. Yes. Better make that a mineral water. 哦,最好把它当成矿泉水 [01:35.37]I'll have some lemonade, please. 我还要一些柠檬水 [01:38.27]And could you bring us some bread to start? 并且你能先给我们来一些面包吗? [01:41.52]Of course, I'll be right back with that. 当然。我将马上给你们拿来 [01:45.58]I like this place. They have really good service. 我喜欢这个地方。他们的服务真的很好 [01:50.14]Just follow me and you won't go wrong. 跟着我你就不会错了。 [01:53.49]Not with reataurants, at least. 最好,不要是饭馆