[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 5: Arriving at Work 场景5:到达公司 [00:04.53]Good morning, James. You're early. What's up? 早上好。你好早啊,有什么新事? [00:09.13]Morning, Steve. Early is right. 早上好。早来是对的。 [00:12.31]I've got two important meeting today; one with the boss and one with a client. 今天我有两个重要的会议,一个是和老板,另一个是和客户。 [00:18.21]You're pretty early yourself, something important? 你自己也很早啊,有什么重要的事情? [00:21.37]Year, I'm metting a client, too. Someone from a big computer company. 是的。我也要见一个客户,是从一个大的电脑公司来的 [00:27.53]I think their headquarters are in Taiwan, but this guy runs the New York office. 我想他们的总公司在台湾,但是这个家伙来自纽约办事处。 [00:34.06]Wang Computers. That's my client, too. 王氏电脑。那也是我的一个客户 [00:38.06]But I think the owner is a Chinese-American; . 但是我认为老总是一个华侨, [00:41.47]I'm not sure if they have an office in Taiwan 我不肯定他们是不是在台湾有办事处 [00:45.41]I guess we're working on this account together. 我猜我们同时在与这家公司合作。 [00:49.01]Good. To tell you the truth I was a little scared. 真好。告诉你实情,我还真有点提心吊胆 [00:54.32]The account is really big; it's just too much work for one man. 这个客户真的很大,对于一个人来说这是很多的工作。 [00:58.34]Say, what time do you meet with the boss, Mr.Barnes? 说,你什么时候会见老板Barnes先生? [01:04.33]Ten-thirty, Why? 十点半,怎么了? [01:07.44]I was right. We are on this account together. 我是对的。我们是同时与这客户合作。 [01:12.02]I'm scheduled to meet with Mr.Barnes at ten-thirty, too. 我也害怕十点半钟和Barnes先生见面。 [01:16.18]Well, then,partner, let's get busy preparing something for the meeting. 好的,搭档,那样的话,让我们为这次会议做好充分的准备。 [01:21.14]Good idea. Where should we begin? 好主意。我们应该从哪开始? [01:25.02]I don't know about you but I always begin big projects by going to the bathroom, 我不知道你是怎么样,但是我一直是在进浴室时开始大工程。 [01:30.20]and then with a hot cup of coffee. can you wait for me? 然后还要一杯热咖啡。你能等我吗? [01:33.88]Just hurry. I'll get the coffee ready. 快一点。我将准备好咖啡 [01:37.50]That sounds like an excellent plan. 那听起来像是最好的主意。