[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 3: Band Practice 场景 3: 乐队排练 [00:03.74](Kevin's gets in his car and drives his friend Barry's house where their band practice.) (凯文进入车里开到他们乐队排练的地方,巴瑞的家.) [00:19.39]What's up, Kev? 怎么了,凯文? [00:13.20]Nothing. Whats up with you, Barry? 没什么.你怎么了,巴瑞? [00:16.29]The other guys said they will be late, 其他人说他们会晚点来, [00:19.23]so we'll start practicing in few minues. 所以我们过一会儿开始练. [00:21.81]Cool. I wanted to talk to you anyway. 好的.我想和你谈谈. [00:25.62]Sure. What do you want to talk about? 当然.你想和我谈什么? [00:30.21]It's my parents. 是我的父母. [00:32.35]They're nice but they try to protect me too much. 他们很好但是他们想过分的保护我. [00:35.57]What do you mean? 你是什么意思? [00:38.23]Can you give me an example? 你能举个例子吗? [00:41.04]Yeah, like tonight. 是的,就像今晚. [00:43.24]They want me to come home by twelve-thirty even though they know there's a party. 尽管他们知道有晚会他们也要我12:30回家. [00:47.09]What do you think about that? 你怎么想呢? [00:50.50]I am not sure. 我不知道. [00:53.17]My parents let me come home whenever I want. 我父母说我什么时候想回家都行. [00:56.58]That's fun, 很好, [00:59.21]but sometimes I think they don't care about me. 但是有时我觉得他们不是很关心我. [01:02.56]Your parents are strict, but they really love you. 你的父母很严格,但是他们真的很爱你. [01:07.02]Yeah, that's true. 是的,那是. [01:09.09]But still, I'm not a baby anymore. 但是,我不再是一个小孩. [01:11.55]I have a car and a girlfriend and everything. 我有车,有女朋友,还有一切. [01:15.35]But Kevin, your parents bought you that car. 但是凯文,是你父母给你买的车. [01:20.24]And they bought you your guitar, too. 他们也给你买了吉他. [01:23.30]I don't have a car 我没有车, [01:25.79]and I had to work at a part-time job to buy my own drums. 而且我还要做兼职买我的鼓. [01:31.14]I guess you are right. 我想你是对的. [01:33.29]My parents do a lot for me. 我父母为我做了许多. [01:35.54]I should be thankful. 我应该感谢他们. [01:38.00]Yes, 是的, [01:40.05]and since you have a car, can I get a ride to the party tonight? 既然你有车,今晚去晚会我能搭你的车吗? [01:45.10]Yes, but like I said, 是的,但是就像我说的, [01:46.98]I have to be home by twelve-thirty. 我必须在12:30回家. [01:50.28]That is kind of early. 那时很早. [01:53.36]Maybe I will get a ride there with you and a ride back with someone else. 也许我能搭你的车去,然后再坐别人的车回来. [01:59.10]See, you're so lucky. 瞧,你很幸运. [02:00.56]You can stay out as late as you want. 你想呆多久都可以. [02:03.43]Okay, okay. I will go home with you too. 好吧,好吧.我和你一起回家. [02:09.41]That's why you're my best friend. 那就是为什么你是我最好的朋友.