[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Siuation3: Driving to Work 场景3:开车去上班 [00:04.43]Here it is James. Now get going, I don't want you to be late. 给你James,出发吧!我不想你迟到 [00:09.37]Thanks, Dear. I'll be home a little late tonight. Remember the client. 谢谢,亲爱的。今天晚上我可能会晚点回家,我想起那个客户 [00:14.57]Okay, but call if you're going to be home after ten. i will.Bye. 好的,但是你如果十点以后回家的话就打个电话。再见。 [00:19.76]Bye (James gets in the car and leave for work. 再见。(James钻进车去上班了, [00:23.01]He turns on the news.) 他打开了新闻。 [00:26.25]……and there was an accident on Highway 99. ……在99号公路上发生了一起车祸。 [00:29.58]A truck turned over blocking westbound traffic for about two miles. 一辆卡车倾覆而阻塞了向西行的交通近两英里。 [00:33.19]Drivers on Highway 99 west might want to take local roads to work this morning. 今天早上在99号公路上西行的司机可能要抄小路去上班。 [00:40.32]The current time is seven forty-three on this sunny morning . 现在时间是这个晴朗早晨的七点四十三分, [00:44.20]and the temperature is seventy-six degrees 气温是七十六度 [00:48.00]The weather forcast for later today is mostly sunny, 天气预报说一直到今天晚些时候都是晴朗的, [00:50.29]with some clouds forming in the afternoon. 在下午有很多云聚集。 [00:54.40]and a slight chance of showers in the early evening 并且在晚间早些时候可能会有阵雨 [00:58.11]We'll keep you updated with more traffic and weather throughtout the day, 我们将为你提供一天中最新的交通和天气情况, [01:02.08]but now let's enjoy forty-five minutes of commercial-free rock and roll. 现在让我们来欣赏四十五分钟的非商业广告的摇滚音乐。