[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 2: Explaining to Mrs. Pak and Tae-gyun 情景2 向帕克夫人和泰格解释。 [00:04.61](Mr. Pak and Su-mi go into the living room. 帕克和苏蜜走进客厅。 [00:09.12]Mrs. Pak and her son Tae gyun are there watching television.) 帕克夫人和她的儿子泰格正在看电视。 [00:14.34]Um, I have something I want to tell you. 有一些事情我想告诉你们。 [00:19.23]Okay, but why are you telling me in English? 行,为什么用英语告诉我? [00:23.24]Well, that is what I want to tell you 好,那就是我将要告诉你的。 [00:28.01]Su-mi and I are going to America next week. 下个星期苏蜜和我打算去美国 [00:31.59]That is why I am practicing my English. 那就是为什么我在练习英语。 [00:35.10]What? You are going where? 什么? 你们去哪里? [00:39.39]We are going to visit America. 我们打算去美国玩。 [00:42.47]I want Su-mi to see America and practice her English. 我想让苏蜜去看看美国同时练习一下她的英语。 [00:46.53]And when did you decide this? 那么你们什么时候决定这个的? [00:50.56]I decided last week. 我上个星期决定的。 [00:53.21]And why didn't you tell me? 那你为什么不告诉我? [00:57.08]Well, I wasn't sure until just now. 哦,一直到现在我才确定。 [00:59.87]Why not? 为什么? [01:01.35]Because I just asked Su-mi. 因为我仅仅要苏蜜去。 [01:04.51]And what did she say? 她说了什么? [01:07.19]I said yes,I really want to visit America. Please. 我一直在说,我真的想去参观美国。 [01:15.00]I don't know. 我不知道。 [01:17.24]It would be a very good chance for her to practice her English 对她来说是练习英语的好机会, [01:22.11]and to see many new things, too. 也可以看一些新鲜事。 [01:25.00]Yeah, Mom, it would be a good chance. 是的,妈妈,这是一个很好的机会。 [01:28.51]Please let me to. 让我去吧。 [01:32.25]What about Tae-gyun? 泰格怎么办? [01:34.02]It's not fair if only Su-mi goes. 如果仅仅苏蜜去那将不公平。 [01:37.55]Yeah What about me? 是啊,我怎么办? [01:40.92]I want to go too . 我也想去。 [01:43.87]What? 什么? [01:46.09]Where did you learn English? 你在哪里学过英语? [01:49.36]You are only twelve. 你才12岁。 [01:52.09]Dad,now we learn English even in elementary school. 爸爸现在我们在小学就学英语。 [01:57.09]I started learning English two years ago. 两年以前我就开始学英语。 [02:01.08]Okay, Tae-gyun, 行,泰格. [02:03.06]I promise to take you to America next year. 我答应明年带你去美国。 [02:07.09]But this year,only Su-mi and I will go. 但是今年,仅仅苏蜜和我去。 [02:10.08]Okay. 行。 [02:12.50]And what about me? 那么我呢? [02:15.14]When will I go to America? 我将什么时候去美国? [02:19.43]I don't know, but I will buy you a present. 我不知道,但是我将给你买礼物。 [02:22.17]That sounds good. 听起来不错。 [02:25.48]I want a Burberry's coat. 我要一件防水大衣。 [02:28.45]But those are very expensive. 但是那些太贵了。 [02:33.03]If you don't buy me a coat, 如果你不给我买一件大衣, [02:35.57]you cannot go to America. 你就不能去美国。 [02:38.39]Okay, you win. 行,你赢了。 [02:41.31]I will buy you a Burberry's coat. 我将给你买一件防水大衣。