[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation 20: Going to bed 场景 20: 睡觉 [00:03.66](After Kevin and Barry apologize to each other, (柯文和芭雷互相道歉后, [00:07.32]they decide to spend the night at Barry's house. 他们决定在芭雷家过夜。 [00:11.37]They begin to get ready to go to sleep.) 他们打算睡觉。) [00:15.11]Kevin, you can use the bathroom first. 柯文,你可以先用浴室。 [00:18.29]But I don't need to use the bathroom. 但是我不需要用浴室。 [00:21.34]I don't mean the toilet, 我不是说厕所, [00:24.28]I mean to wash your face and brush your teeth before bed. 我的意思是上床前洗脸刷牙。 [00:28.45]Oh,okay. 哦,好的。 [00:31.05]I'll brush my teeth first. 我先刷牙。 [00:32.16](Kevin finishs in the bathroom and comes out.) (柯文在浴室里弄完后出来。) [00:37.26]Barry, you can use the bathroom now. 芭雷,你现在可以用浴室了。 [00:40.11]Thanks. I hope it doesn't smell too bad in there. 谢谢.希望那儿不是很难闻。 [00:44.33]Don't worry. 别担心。 [00:46.36]I told you I only had to brushed my teeth, nothing else. 我告诉你我只是刷了牙,没有别的。 [00:50.04]Okay, I'll be in and out. 好的,我进去就出来。 [00:53.53](Barry brushes his teeth and comes out of the bathroom.) (芭雷刷完牙后走出浴室。) [00:58.29]Good night, Kevin. 晚安,柯文。 [01:00.36]Good night, Barry. 晚安,芭雷。 [01:02.17]Did you set the alarm clock? 你上闹钟了吗? [01:04.57]Yes, I set it for seven o'clock. 是的,我定在7:00。 [01:07.69]Good, I have to get up early tomorrow 好的,我明天要早点起来, [01:10.54]so I can go home before my parents wake up. 好在我父母醒来前回家。 [01:13.09]Don't worry so much. 不要这么担心。 [01:17.00]Your parents will understand. 你的父母会理解的。 [01:19.27]I don't know.I promise them I would be home by twelve-thirty. 我不知道。我向他们保证我会12:30回家的。 [01:24.37]Yes, but they trust you. 是的,但是他们相信你。 [01:27.49]You're a good student and you never get into trouble. 你是一个好学生,从来不惹麻烦。 [01:31.50]Except tonight. 今晚除外。 [01:34.05]Good night. 晚安。 [01:35.43]Good night. 晚安。 [01:37.28]And thanks for talking to me about girls. 谢谢你和我谈论女孩子。 [01:40.52]No problem, Kevin. 没问题,柯文。 [01:42.15]That's what friends are for. 那就是朋友的用处。