[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Situation20: Mr. Barnes' office 场景20: 在先生的办公室 [00:04.58](James knocks on Mr. Barnes' door and enters his office.) (詹姆士敲先生办公室的门并走进去。 [00:09.34]You asked for me,sir? 先生,你找我? [00:12.05]Ah, Goddard. Good, come right in. 啊,好的,进来。 [00:15.42]Listen, I want to ask your opinion about a few things. 听着,我想关于一些事情征求你的意见。 [00:20.02]First, let me tell you again . 首先,让我再一次。 [00:22.07]how pleased I am at the way you handled the Wang account 告诉你我对你处理王氏生意的方法是多么满意 [00:27.49]As you know this is a huge account 你知道这是一笔大生意, [00:30.76]and it is going to require its own management team. 并且需要它自己的管理小组。 [00:35.04]Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生。 [00:37.30]Wang computers wants us to not only develop a new set of software 王氏电脑想让我们不仅 [00:42.35]for the new operating system we are designing for them, 为给他们设计的新工作系统开发一组新的软件 [00:46.18]but they also want us to develop new marketing strategies for this system. 他们还要我们为这个系统开发新的市场策略。 [00:51.20]Something similar to what Apple did with their new line of MacIntosh computers. 和苹果做得一样用他们的MacIntosh电脑新路线。 [00:57.09]That was a brilliant marketing idea to built the processor right into the monitor. 建立监控工序是一个绝妙的市场理论 [01:02.46]And you know how successful they were in developing great advertising for their products. 你也知道他们在为他们的产品做广告方面是多么成功。 [01:09.01]Yes, sir. Apple was able to regain their share of the market 是的,先生。 [01:13.34]with the combination of a great product and good advertising. 市场与好的产品和广告结合,苹果能重新获得他们的股份 [01:18.24]Well, Goddard. 好, [01:20.30]I need a team that can do the same thing for us and Wang computers. 我需要一个小组为我们和王氏电脑做同样的事情。 [01:26.00]I'm thinking of making you the man in charge of . 我想让像你这样的人来。 [01:29.18]putting this team together and managing it 负责组织这个小组 [01:33.19]Do you think you could handle an assingment like that? 你认为你能完成这样的任务吗? [01:36.47]Do you mean that I could choose my own team? 您的意思是说我可以选择我自己的小组 [01:41.21]With my approval of course. 经过我的批准当然可以。 [01:44.05]Yes sir. I think with the right people working with me, 好的,先生。我想要有好的同事和一起工作, [01:48.25]that I can make the most of our partnership with Wang computers. 那样我可以与王氏电脑成为最好的合作伙伴。 [01:53.37]Good. That's what I wanted to hear. 好。那就是我想听到的。 [01:56.39]I am promoting you to the Executive Director in charge of the Wang account, 我任命你为行政董事来负责王氏生意, [02:01.57]Now, you are going to need a good assistant. 现在,你将需要一个好的助手。 [02:05.03]Do you have anyone in mind? 你头脑里有人选了吗? [02:08.07]Yes sir, I do. Steve Dawson. 是的,先生,我想好了。 [02:11.37]Dawson!? From what I saw at the meeting yesterday,. 从昨天在会议上看来, [02:16.32]he didn't seem to be a team player 他不像能成为该组织成员 [02:18.94]He was looking out for his own interest. 他只注意到自己的利益。 [02:23.10]Well, yes. It did seem that way. 是的,没错。好像是那样的。 [02:26.31]but there are a few things you should know about Steve Dawson, sir 但是您应该知道关于他的一些事情,先生 [02:30.39]First, he has been with the company much longer than I have without a promotion 首先,在我没有提升之前,他在公司就有很长时间了, [02:36.35]and the Wang account was his big chance. 并且王氏生意是他的一次好机会。 [02:39.48]That is why he was so aggressive. 那就是他为什么那样好斗。 [02:43.14]second, when I came into the company, 第二,当我进公司的时候, [02:47.09]there were so many things that I didn't know. 我有很多事情不知道, [02:50.29]Steve was never selfish with his time and he taught me a lot. Steve从来不吝啬时间教我很多东西 [02:55.10]Third, I think if he is given a chance, 第三,如果给他一个机会, [02:58.09]he can develop a great advertising package for the new system 他能给我们为王氏电脑的合作 [03:02.51]we are developing for our partnership with Wang computers. 而开发的新系统做最好的广告策划 [03:07.33]Last but not least, Steve and I really work well together. 最后但不是不重要,和我合作的真的很好。 [03:13.01]I must say, I am impressed with you loyalty. All right then. 我应当要说,我因你的忠诚而感动,那好吧。 [03:18.47]I want you to take Dawson to lunch today and inform him of his promotion 今天我想让你带去吃午饭。 [03:23.39]to Assistant Executive Director in charge of the Wang deal. 并告诉他被任命为行政董事助理负责王氏生意 [03:27.42]Thank you, sir. I can assure you that you won't regret your decision. 谢谢您,先生。我可以保证你不会后悔您的决定。 [03:32.43]All right, Goddard. That's all. You can go. 好的, 就这样吧。你可以走了。 [03:36.21]Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 [03:37.80]Oh, Goddard, one more thing. 噢,还有一件事情。 [03:41.36]Sir? 什么,先生。 [03:43.46]You can put the lunch bill on your new executive expense account. 你可以将你的午餐消费记入你的新的行政消费户头。 [03:48.36]Yes, sir! 好的,先生。